thirty four

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// hope you're ready for lots of drama and stuff //

Luke and I surprisingly hadn't spent much time together lately. We both have been busy with school, and after school stuff, so we decided to meet up after the school day was done to go out to eat.

"Why are you smiling at me?" I asked Luke as I popped a french fry in my mouth.

"Nothing, just proud of you is all."

I knew what he was talking about and part of me wanted to get irritated for some unknown reason, but I couldn't. I was proud of myself too, sure, I wasn't completely better but I was working on it.

It's just, me being me, I always have this "something bad is going to happen" thought in the back of my mind. It was like, I was purposely waiting for something to happen, that'll break me because I knew the thoughts were still there, I was just to distracted to act upon them.

Luke say across from me as we finished eating, making random small talk. Once we were done we headed back to his place, but I had assignments to finish up and so did he so we didn't spend much time together that night. I was beyond happy that this was the last week of school before break.


Walking into school the next day was different, very, very different. I was use to walking in and sliding past everyone, but this time, all eyes were on me. I thought I was freaking myself out but with the constant pointing, laughing, and whispering, I knew that wasn't the case.

"Go look at the school board, see Ashely's latest work." A girl whispered to me, before scurrying off, leaving me confused and terrified.

Going up to that board, made my world stop. All the years of keeping myself off the radar and staying quiet just completely went wasted. Barely anyone was surrounding me since most had went to class or already saw what there was to see.

There was a picture of Luke and I, from just yesterday when we went out to eat with the caption "Guess he is embarrassed of the freak since he has to deny he's with her to everyone here, what a charity case."

"Violet." I heard that all too familiar voice behind me.

I put my hand up, signaling him to be quiet. I had had enough of her. This was like a breaking point, I needed to find her and I knew Luke was following me. I don't know how any of this happened but I don't even care, I needed to speak my mind.


"Oh look, the freak can talk."

"What is your problem? I've been your target for as long as I can remember when I didn't even speak a word to anyone, yet alone you. You're a cold heartless bítch who just can't let people be happy." I screamed, Luke trying to grab my wrist and bring me back a bit but I pulled out of his grasp.

"You think he actually cares about you? What a joke, hate to break it to you but the second he gets bored of you, which will be very soon if it hasn't happened already, he'll just drop you and come back to me." The second she said that last sentence Luke finally wanted to speak up but I interjected.

"Come back to you? He's never been with you and I don't think he'd ever want to. He only plays nice to all you fakes for the sake of keeping peace."

"Aw, that's cute. He lead you to believe he wasn't with me for almost a year, kissing me, having great sèx with me, telling me he loved me then turning around and getting upset when I didn't say it back."

Remember earlier, when I said I felt like my world had stopped? That was nothing compared to how I was feeling right now. I told Luke so much, a lot including her and he never cared to mention they were a thing. I guess now I know why he kept trying to but into the conversation, he didn't want that to sleep.

I looked to him, tears already brimming my eyes. Ashley can say a lot, but nothing would get to me the way that just did. Luke had become everything to me, and I felt completely betrayed. Especially after I thought back to the night of that party.

"Luke." My voice cracked, he tried running up to me but I stepped back.

"She was who you were making out with that night, wasn't she?" I finally lifted my head to see his face, I could tell he could see in my eyes how hurt I was.

I took the silence as a yes and started to walk off as fast as I could, finally letting everything sink in and tear me apart. I was waiting for something to happen, something to happen to show me that ever giving him a chance was a mistake, and here it was."

"Violet, let me explain." He grabbed my arm, turning me to face him.

"Luke, don't." I whispered.

"I can't let you walk away, Vi, please just let me explain."

"Don't call me that. Just don't, get away from me. What do you want to explain, Luke? Explain how I cried to you, opening up to you about everything, a lot that had to do with that bítch and you couldn't even mention to me you use to be a thing? Instead you made me believe you hated her when in reality you loved her. You still love her, don't you? She did to you what she does to every other guy, I guarantee she had you wrapped around her finger so the second she shows you any attention you fall to your knees for her, that's probably why you were making out at that party." I shouted, rubbing my eyes and trying to calm down.

"I gave you a chance, a stupid fùcking chance that I never thought I would give anyone and you turned around and made me realize why I never let anyone in. Was this all some game to you? Am I really just some charity case?" My voice went back to the broken sobs.

"Actually, don't answer that. Don't answer anything, I'm done." With that I ran off, no clue where I could go, but I needed to be as far away from Luke as I could right now.



dndidnkskxk don't hate me yikes
really up until the ending is gonna be kinda sad so prepare yourselves. ily enjoy x (thanks for almost 16k reads and the votes and comments, I enjoy reading what most of you have to say.)

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