White Saturday - Saturday, June, 30th 2012

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Saturday June 30th, 2012

Meline Opal 

5:00 PM

It’s been four days since I’ve been kidnapped. Four days since Aurora had died. I hated to admit it, but I was fairly content. Not happy, I could have never been happy in that situation, but…I was okay. Things at the school were going well, Julia and I had rounded up a group of students to head out and try to find our younger siblings. That’s who I was worried about the most; my sister.  Mina. Over the past week I had been planning and planning with a large group of other boys and girls. We all wanted to find our siblings, so we bonded over a common interest. We planned to set out today, but fate had other plans in store for us. 

I was eating with Julia and Rose talking over the final plan, it was late, quiet. Almost too quiet, but that was silly. It’s not like a kidnapper would jump out of a dark hallway or anything, I instantaneously shook the paranoid thought out of my head. I was silly for thinking such a thing, as I debated over my own stupidity the sound of a fire-alarm filled the building.

David Parks

Jonas and I had actually started to get used to life in the school, we would wake up in the gym, eat some breakfast and then work on numerous tasks around the school like setting up barricades, making weapons or going on patrols. That took up about the rest of the day. There was lunch, but Jonas and I usually skipped it to joke around, just like old times.

Jonas was out for dinner and I was lucky enough to be on rooftop patrol with some other teenagers during the start of the assault. We all had no idea what was happening until it was too late. The convoy started up with a few trucks that had spotlights on the top. They used those to blind anyone on top of the building while the troop carriers and the tanks got within range. The tanks fired at the school while the men in the vehicle got out and fired smoke grenades at us. Everyone started to cough and wheeze; even my eyes were starting to tear up. The tanks continued to fire, blowing chunks off the walls. There was small arms fire lighting up the school; this place had turned into a warzone in a matter of minutes.

Meline Opal

As smoke entered the room; I coughed, my eyes watering, the smoke stung like an angry bee. I pushed my way through the door of the classroom. While doing this I heard the sharp ringing noise of bullets pelting at the walls and even kids around me. I dry heaved as I realized that not something, but someone was shooting at us. What kind of world was it becoming? Adults were shooting at innocent kids, Kids that had friends, families, and a future. It was sick, inhumane, something that nobody should ever have to witness. This whole situation was nauseating; when a soldier walked past me I tackled him. My anger literally radiated from me, filling me with adrenaline, it showed through my actions. The pattern of my fists beating against the soldiers gear made indentations. All he did was laugh; he felt protected, assured that he would win this fight.

As he reached for his gun I grasped his wrist and twisted it with everything in me, I heard a sickening snap as he let out an animalistic-like, throaty yell. It unnerved me, the predatory cry sounded so alien coming from a human, especially taking into account that I was the reason he was in pain. I didn’t know if I felt like hiding my head in shame or yelling out a triumphant battle-cry. What I did know is that I was exhausted. I felt the once overwhelming surge of adrenaline left me; it tired me, making the world a hazy blur. What I really wanted was to collapse, let the chaos ensue without me, I persevered regardless. I looked behind me one last time to see that another kid had grabbed the soldier’s gun and had shot him in the leg, my lips turned upwards as I smiled proudly.

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