He opened the door and she sneaked out.

Mikasa P.O.V.

Walking through the halls I managed to pass undetected, only a few cadets were around. Heading to the main door of the building I managed to slip out, to an open field area. The sun instantly appeared high in the sky, worsening my now throbbing headache.


Walking to my dorm I was relieved that at least nobody had seen me yet during this walk of shame, until...


Panic took over me, I recognized those voices that grew closer by the second.

What do I do? Where do I hide?

I instantly started looking at my surroundings and my eyes stopped at a bush nearby. I ran to it and jumped in just in time before Sasha and Connie appeared in full view. They were walking and talking about the party last night. They stopped right next to the bush I was hiding in.

Just my fucking luck... I thought.

"Did you see Jean hugging the floor last night?", giggling, Sasha asked Connie.

I feel dizzy...

"Do you think he would remember about it?", Connie asked.

How long are they going to keep talking? Just go away! I'm sweating, I'm feeling sick, I just want my bed!...

"Well if he doesn't, surely Eren will remind him! I am sure he does remember everything, his alcohol resistance is ridiculous. I wonder if it has something to do with being a Titan shifter?", Sasha said.

Fuck, shit, hold it. HOLD IT!

"If he doesn't I will!", Connie said laughing.

My stomach was turning around and I couldn't hold nausea. I ended up puking and groaning but it sounded more on the lines of a fucking goat being strangled to death.

Of course, because waking up next to the arrogant ass of the Captain, sneaking out of the building straight to the bright fire from the pits of hell of the glorious afternoon sun, and literally jumping into a fucking bush wasn't enough of suffering. Afternoon? Shit, is it really that late? What is this? Bird poop?

"Oi! Who's there!?", Connie shouted.

Well. Fuck.

Connie P.O.V.

I walked to the bush and found... a defeated Mikasa with dirt on her face leaves on her hair, vomit on her shirt, and is that, bird poop?

"Mikasa! Are you alright!?", Sasha shouted.

"Shhhh. TOO. LOUD.", she responded.

I can't wait to tell Eren about this.

"What the hell happened to you!!?", I asked.

Sasha jumped in and said, "Did you blacked out and ended up sleeping in a bush after last night's party?!"

"Yeah sure, why not?", she replied.

I whispered to Sasha, "I don't think she's even coherent right now."

Sasha approached her and said, "Come I'll help you get to your room, you really need a bath!", she helped her stand up and walked her to her dorm.

Mikasa Ackerman, drunk, sleeping in a bush, and here I thought I've seen it all.

Mikasa P.O.V.

Twisted Fate ( Rivamika Lemon )Where stories live. Discover now