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Cast added:

Chris Colfer as Michael Hall
Amber Heard as Jill Leroy
Terry Crews as Peter Stonewood


"Mummy, mummy," Storm came running towards me, he was running and slightly in panic. "Dad and I built a treehouse." I had a fond smile on my lips as I caressed his hair.

"Did you now?" I watched his blue eyes as he nodded. He's such a beautiful boy. His eyes were as blue as mine, but he sure had Harry's curls. His voice is a mix between my American accent and his father's British accent. I kinda wish he would've inherited the British slang from his father because I loved the way Harry's words fell from his lips.

He has learned a few Italian words and I adored his Italian accent. I know my Nonna would be proud of him. He's only five years old, but he's very smart. I think he got that from Harry as well.

"Come on, mum, let me show you," His feet moved quickly and I felt my feet speeding up. His curls bounced outside and once I caught up to him, I found Harry and Storm standing right next to each other, waving me over.

I looked at my surroundings with a frown. This is not our garden, this leads straight into the woods. "Mummy, follow us," Storm called out, following Harry into the woods.

"Wait for me," I chuckled loudly, watching them disappear into the long trees. My breathing got heavy as I ran through the forest. I followed behind them but they went out of sight completely after a while. "Storm? Harry?" My voice raised as I called their names.

"Mummy, help!" Storm's voice turned into a loud scream and I instantly followed the sound, the leaves crunching under my black booths.

Suddenly I saw Harry, his hands were holding the lifeless body of our baby boy. I couldn't help the tears welling in my eyes as I watched the two of them. Harry was supporting his little head, his teary eyes glaring up at me.

"This is your fault, Flo. You weren't here soon enough and now he's dead."

My eyes opened as I let out a gasp. My chest heaved up and down as I laid, now wide awake, on my side of the bed. I looked next to me where Harry was sound asleep. I rolled over, pressing my finger onto my screen. I read 4:32 AM and let out a sigh. At least, it is a new record.

The nightmares didn't stop and ever since my fight with Harry, they seemed to have worsened. Our fight was two days ago and we haven't really spoken that much since then. I knew that Harry was somewhat right but I was too proud to admit that to myself.

Besides, I'm playing a role, it's not like I'm being myself. I can easily act my way through it.

We both should apologize, but we're both too proud to do so. Harry was right about most of it but the way he spoke wasn't the right way to handle. I shouldn't have reacted that way and I shouldn't have ignored him for two days now.

I slung my body out of bed, my feet landed on the light brown floor. I looked to the side, watching the air leave from Harry's lips. I had a small frown on my face, his words seemed way too real. This nightmare was too real for me.

I stood up, making my way out of the bedroom. I opened up the door, hearing Bono's whines. I stopped on my tracks, looking down at him. "Hi, Bono," I whispered with a faint smile. "You want to go out?"

His soft puppy eyes stared at me as his tail waggled. His paws went downstairs eagerly and I chuckled as I followed him. I want his life, it's so easy, just get some food, sleep and go outside.

Now that I've let Bono outside, I'm standing in our hallway, looking around. Normally he's by my side to fill the lonely hours but now that Bono is outside and Harry's still asleep, I'm completely on my own.

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