Twenty Three - 2012

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After the event, the one where I met Florence, I hadn't heard from her in a few days. It didn't matter though, I knew it was too good to be true. I didn't deserve a friend like her so I forget about it and buried myself into songwriting. 

We hadn't exchanged numbers after her driver had dropped me off. She did tell me she would see me soon but I guess I just thought that was something she told me to be friendly.

On Sunday, I mostly slept through the day. Florence brought me home at around five, even though her parents had told her to be home sooner. Monday and Tuesday I stared at my phone and looked through her Instagram. It felt creepy to be going through her feed. I debated whether or not to start following her but she took the first step in everything we did on Saturday, so I thought she would take the first step in this situation too.

When Wednesday rolled around, I couldn't stop thinking about Florence. So I dove into the studio and wrote a song about her. Mitch helped me out and we actually started recording but when I got a notification that Florence had started following me on pretty much every platform I was active on. So I was gone for the day.

I went home, followed her back and looked through her Instagram once again. Instead of thinking about following her, I debated on whether or not I should DM her. 

I felt pathetic. 

And if I thought it couldn't get worse, it did. Thursday, I sulked in my own misery and worried about myself and my insecurities. Why was I not confident enough to even text her. I spent my day on the couch and promised myself that if she hadn't texted me on Monday, I would text her myself.

Today it's Friday and I actually had to go to the studio because my manager told me I had something to do. I only half-listened because I was constantly checking on my phone and on potential messages.

Around lunchtime, it finally came.

It was simple and totally her. The DM said:

H, up for a late lunch?

I grinned at my phone, my fingers hovering over the textboard. The mention of the stupid nickname she had given me days ago was the reason for my smile. Of course, I was up for a late lunch and especially to get to know Florence better. 

"Jeff," I called out, looking up to find him already looking at me. "At what time are we done?"

"Half an hour tops," He answered and I nodded, ready to say yes and have a late lunch with her. I asked for details but the only thing she told me was that she was going to pick me up in an hour and to text me my address. Seeing as I was still staying in a hotel, I told her to just pick me up at the studio.

She also told me her sister was going to join us, she didn't tell me why but I didn't question it. I was actually glad that she told me, that way I could prepare for it.

Once Jeff let me go, there was already a car waiting for me. Florence stepped out of the car and immediately came to me, welcoming me in a small hug. "Hey you," She smiled, her arms loosening around mine. "Ready for lunch?"

I nodded, excitingly, looking at the car to find the passenger's seat empty. I thought her sister was going with us? A frown pulled over my face when I felt her arm hooking in mine. "Wasn't your sister going to join us?"

"Yeah, she's in the backseat actually. Made her sit there 'cause she's the younger one," Florence explained and I sensed there was some healthy sister on sister rivalry between them. This would be an interesting lunch.

I climbed into the car, immediately I snapped my head over my shoulder and smiled at the girl in the back seat. She resembled her sister a lot, just a lot younger. "Hey, I'm Harry," I smiled, offering my hand to her. 

Wistful Paradise / H.S. [COMPLETE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن