Twenty Seven

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I woke up to an empty, cold bed and immediately I felt the need to just stay here in this stupid hotel room.

Two weeks since Flo has left and it's been two weeks of misery. I'm gonna see her tomorrow but how could I see her again after not hearing her for two weeks?

I felt so many things.

Angry, frustrated, sad, lonely, hurt.

These two weeks have felt like months, yet I still don't have the courage to get out of bed and face the day.

Because frankly, I knew nothing.

She left me that night with a short text, let my calls go to voicemail and ignored my messages. I even tried texting her with the others' phones but she saw right through it and ignored them as well.

Mitch had been watching my every move, as well as Jeffrey. It didn't help me though, they were smothering me and watching until I would crumble apart. Every night on stage, I did fall apart. I couldn't help it when all my fucking songs reminded me of my wife who was now ignoring my calls and has fled.

There was a knock on my door at precisely 11:00 and I instantly knew it was Mitch wanting to take me out for breakfast. Most of the days I ignored it until he would come in with his card key. However, today I stood up and made my way towards the door.

The past two weeks felt like a hangover that never left. I felt so empty without her.

"Wow, you opened the door for once," Mitch smiled, seeming like he had no worries in the world as he plopped down on the sofa. His feet were perched up onto the small table and his arms crossed behind his head. "Last show before the holidays, how are ya feeling buddy?"

I sat down next to him and shrugged. "Nervous, sad, I don't know. I miss Flo but I'm mad at her too, you know?" I admitted, turning my head in his direction.

"I'm sure she misses you too," Mitch comforted me, throwing his arm over my shoulder in a large movement.

"Yeah, right," I scoffed, his words meant nothing to me. She left me so I'm pretty sure she is not missing me at all.

Mitch shared a look with me, raising his left eyebrow. "She texts me every day, so she's clearly thinking about you," He explained, revealing a small bit of information.

I jumped up in my seat and started pacing the room, frustrated. It was something I often did when I felt my stress levels rising. "Fuck," My voice raised as I moved my hair out of my face. "I just don't understand why she left, Mitch. I don't. We talk, when something is wrong we communicate and we talk it out. So tell me, why would she leave me? Why didn't she talk to me?"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes but before Mitch could see them I turned my back against him and wiped the pool of wetness away. The question kept popping up in my head. Why didn't she talk to me?

I've begged her so many times to talk to me. And when she begged me to talk to her after our big fight, I didn't want to. So the blame was on me. But still, she's not one to back down from a fight that easily.

So why did she run now?

"I just don't understand," I muttered under my breath, not wanting Mitch to understand either. I simply needed a friend to talk too and he was the best option right now.

Mitch stood up, he didn't usher a word as his arms wrapped around my body in a tight hug.

And then it happened. Everything just came out. I sobbed into his chest, not even trying to contain myself. You know the feeling when you're trying to hold all of your emotions in but the minute you are met with someone comfortable, you just crash? That was exactly what happened to me.

Wistful Paradise / H.S. [COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ