Thirty-Six - 2017

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Soft chapter about their wedding day with lots of visuals to get the full experience! :)

Normally I'll be starting with my weekly updating schedule again next week. So you can expect the next chapter, next Wednesday.



I was sitting in an armchair, looking up when the door opened abruptly. "Alright, so it is not too late to cancel. I can get a car ready and we can- Wait. Why aren't you freaking out?" Siena asked me, her eyes wide in surprise.

"Because I'm chill," I shrugged, looking down at the white adorning my body. "I have absolutely nothing to freak out about."

Siena sighed and sat down in the armchair next to me. "Really? I thought you would be a nuisance today. Are you going to break down in a few minutes and make me regret cancelling the flight car?"

"No, I won't," I rolled my eyes, feeling completely normal and content. Because everything had fallen into place. And everything was going the exact way it should be going.

Everything was perfect.

It was summer but not too warm. Everyone I wanted was here with me today and I was about to marry the love of my life.

"I think you need to chill, actually. I've never felt better. I'm not nervous at all, why should I be?" I asked in return and  Siena snorted her head snapping towards me.

Her hand grabbed my chin pulling me closer while she asked: "Are you high?"

"What? No!" I exclaimed, laughing while pulling away from my sister. "Seriously Siena, I am fine. Believe me."

Siena studied me for a minute before sighing. "Okay, great. My job as a bridesmaid is over. Do you need anything?" 

"I just want you to sit down with me and wait for a few more minutes until Nonna is here," I sighed, patting the seat next to me. Siena walked up to me and plopped down, her light green dress flowing naturally with her.

I figured she still didn't believe that I was fine but I was alright. I mean I had to be right? I loved Harry so I would never doubt marrying him. Harry was probably really nervous right now and I couldn't blame him. I was nervous, but the good kind of nervous.

I wondered if Harry had any bad thoughts and who would be able to calm him down. Maybe his sister, Mia, could help him calm down. Mia and I were alike to some extent. She was also impulsive and direct. 

"Do you think Harry is having second doubts?" I asked, my mind fretting up over the possibility of the groom fleeing instead of the bride. 

Siena laughed at me before turning towards me. "He would be an absolute fool to leave you at the altar," Siena remarked, brushing her hair behind her ear that fell into her face while she laughed at the thought. 

But Harry was capable of feeling. We loved each other, yes. But Harry could be lost in his own thoughts and I don't know if others would be able to help him.

"Here, text Mia," My sister handed me my phone that was on the small table in front of her. "Or call her. I know you and I know Harry, I know he won't leave you but you need the confirmation from someone that isn't me."

"I do," I smiled, my hand covering the black screen of the brand new phone that I had to buy since I dropped the last one in a swimming pool.

"Oh please, save that for later," She joked. "I'm honoured but I'm not the right person." 

I shook my head lightly with a smile, but my eyes were already focused on the screen. 

Is he alright?

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