Chapter 22

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Rachel's POV

It's 6:30pm and Chloe just came through the door. She comes into the living room where Blair and I are.
"Hey guys." Chloe says as she comes and sits down next to me.
"Hey Chloe." Blair says.
"Hi." I say cuddling into Chloe.
"What are you watching?" She asks.
"Freaky Friday." I reply.
"Cool, I haven't seen this movie in ages." She say and starts paying attention to the movie.

The movie just ended and I'm pretty hungry.
"Wanna order food?" I ask.
"Hell yeah." Blair and Chloe day at the same time. I laugh then go to the kitchen and order pizza. I hear clattering in the living room and then I start to hear shouting. Quickly I run into the living room but stop when I see what's going on. Blair is on top of Chloe pinning her down while Chloe is trying to push her off. From what it looks like they are wrestling.
"What do you two think you're doing?" I ask leaning on the doorframe, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. Blair quickly gets off of Chloe and they both stand up.
"Nothing." They say in unison. I laugh.
"Chloe it looks like you need to hit the weights, Blair had you pinned down pretty fast." I say.
"Oh yeah?" Chloe runs towards me and picks me up over her shoulder then does the same to Blair and starts running around the house.
"Chloe! Let me go!" I shout laughing. Blair is trying to squirm out of her grip but it's not working. Chloe runs back into the living room and puts us both down on the couch. We all collapse laughing and the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it." Chloe says getting up and going to the door. She comes back with pizza.
"Food!" Blair shouts.
"Food!" Chloe shouts back. We all go through to the kitchen and sit at the island.

We have just finished eating and it's about 8pm.
"Hey mom, I'm gonna go up to my room now." Blair says.
"Okay, have a good sleep and we'll see you in the morning." I say hugging her then she goes over to Chloe and they do they're handshake. Blair runs upstairs and Chloe comes over to me. I put my arms around her neck and she puts her arms around my waist.
"Today has been the best." I say. She laughs. "What?" I ask.
"Oh it's nothing, you'll know soon enough." She says then pulls me closer and kisses me. I kiss back. She lifts me up and sits me on the counter. I put my legs around her waist and she begins to kiss my neck. She finds my sweet spot pretty easily and begins to suck on it. I let out a small moan and she lifts me up again and carries me upstairs. I can hear Blair's music as we go past her room. Chloe gets into our room and places me on the bed then closes the door and comes back over to me. (I'll let you're imaginations do the rest).

Chloe's POV

I wake up with Rachel cuddled into me. I look at my phone and it's 8:30am. 'Shit I need to go' I think to myself. I slide out of bed, trying not to wake rachel, and get dressed. Quietly I knock on Blair's door.
"Come in." I hear so I open the door and close it quickly once I'm in.
"Right so, here's the plan." I say to Blair.

"Okay, got it." Blair says.
"Alright great, well I have to go but I'll see you later today. You know what to do." I say while holding out my hand for her to do the handshake and she does.
"Okay, see you later." Blair says as I walk out of her room and head for the front door. I get in the truck and call Dana. After a few rings she picks up.
Dana: "Hello?"
Chloe: "Hey Dana, I'm on my way to the hotel to explain everything for today. You better be ready for me. I'll be outside the hotel in 25 minutes. Be there."
Dana: "You can count on me."
Chloe: "We'll see."
I hang up. I start the truck and start going to the hotel.
"This should be fun." I say to myself sarcastically.

Rachel's POV

I wake up to see that Chloe is not beside me. I get out of bed and change then do my makeup and hair. I walk downstairs and see Blair making breakfast.
"Hey Blair, what you doing?" I ask.
"Just making breakfast for us." She says.
"That's really sweet but why, and where's Chloe?" I ask in confusion.
"Because you always make my breakfast and Chloe had to go to work, she'll be back later." She tells me and puts the breakfast on two place. She hands me one and we both sit at the island.
"What do you want to do today?" I ask while eating.
"Can we jump on a train like you and Chloe did when you were younger?" She asks while she eats as well.
"Sure if you want." I say laughing.
"Great, if you said no then I would have dragged you to the train tracks myself because I really wanna do this." She says laughing and finishing her breakfast. I finish my breakfast and do the tidying up since Blair cooked. While I'm cleaning she goes upstairs to get changed.

Blair comes downstairs.
"You ready?" She asks.
"Yup." I respond and we leave the house. I lock it then we start to walk to the train tracks.
"So why did you want to do this?" I ask.
"I don't know, I guess just because you and Chloe did it at my age and I want to see what it's like." She says.
"Okay, cool." I say as we arrive at the train tracks. A train starts to drive past.
"Quickly mom, you go first and I'll follow you since you've done this before!" She shouts over the sound of the train. I see an open carriage and start running beside the train then the open carriage gets beside me and I jump in. I look around but Blair isn't beside me. I look outside the train and see her waving at me.
"I'll see you at the next stop!" She shout. I'm so confused and I'm about to jump out when I hear a voice.
"Don't do that, you'll ruin everything." I hear someone say. I sure around and see Chloe standing in a suit.
"Woah, well don't you look fancy." I say getting up from the ground and going over to her then hugging her. "I thought you were at work."
"Yeah, well you thought wrong." She says with a smile on her face then she gives me a quick kiss.
"So why do you look so fancy?" I ask.
"Because I do, can't I just look fancy once in my life?" She says laughing.
"The Chloe I know wouldn't just dress up for no reason." I say stepping back from her and crossing my arms as if to tell her 'tell me now or your in trouble'.
"Okay fine. Rachel every since the first night we hung out I knew we had something special. When we kissed for the first time I knew I loved you. You are the most special person in my life and I don't know where I would be without you. You make me happy and I want that to last forever. i know that we have only started dating again but I never want to lose you again. So, Rachel Amber, will you marry me?" She asks getting on one knee and pulls out a beautiful blue sapphire and diamond ring as she says the last part. I put my hands over my mouth in surprise. My eyes start to water and tears fall from them. I nod.
"Yes. Yes a million times yes Chloe." I say and she gets up, puts the ring on my finger and hugs me, lifting me from the ground and spinning me. When she puts me down I pull her into a passionate kiss then the train stops. We are still kissing when I hear two people clapping and cheering. I break the kiss and look out the open door. Standing there is Blair and Dana.
"Oh my god, Dana?" I say as I jump down from the train and Chloe does the same.
"My bestie is getting married!" She squeals the runs over and hugs me. I hug her back.
"How did you know about this?" I ask her.
"A little someone needed help picking out your ring." She says while pointing to Chloe. I laugh.
"Thank you, both of you. This wouldn't have been possible without your help." Chloe says to Blair and Dana.
"No problem Chloe, anything for Rachel." Dana says.
"Yeah, no problem. As long as you're both happy I am." Blair says and she hugs us both. We hug back. 'This has been one of the best days of my life.' I think to myself as we all get in the truck that Dana drove here in.

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