Chapter 12

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Rachel's POV

It's been 2 month since Max and Chloe started talking again and it has been great. Chloe seems happier and they are together a lot. They have become close again. I have been getting to know Max and she is pretty cool. Unfortunately Max has to go back to Seattle tomorrow morning. We are all sitting at a coffee shop hanging out.
"I'm gonna miss you Max." Chloe says.
"I'll miss you too, Chloe. You too Rachel, even though we just met a month ago I feel like we have became fast friends." Max says looking at the both of us.
"I know, it's been fun but this won't be the last time we all hang out." I say to brighten the mood and by the look on Chloe's face it worked.
"Yeah Rachel's totally right. We will hang out loads and stay in touch." Chloe says with a big smile on her face.
"Definitely." Max giggled. We all laugh and joke for a couple more hours then Max looks at her phone.
"I'm sorry guys, it's time I go. I will miss you both so much but we will text all the time and meet up soon." Max says as she gets up and grabs her jacket.
"Totally." I say as Chloe and I get up too and go over to hug her.
"See you around Max." Chloe says.
"See yous." She says as she leaves the coffee shop.
"You okay Chloe?" I ask because she looks sad.
"Yeah, it's just I don't want a repeat of last time." She tells me.
"That won't happen because I won't let it. We will see her loads Chloe, don't worry." I say then we leave the coffee shop and head to the truck.

When we get home I hear Blair's music and look at Chloe. She nods and goes upstairs to see Blair. I walk into the kitchen and see Hunter sitting at the island with papers in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him in a cold voice.
"I'm just giving you these." He says and hands me the paper. I look at them and see that they are divorce papers.
"Thank you. Now leave." I say pointing to the door. He gets up and stops in front of me.
"You made the wrong decision choosing her over me." He says then walk out. I scoff and start to prepare dinner.

Chloe's POV

I walk upstairs and knock on Blair's door. She turns the music down then comes to the door and opens it.
"Hey." I say.
"Hey." She says awkwardly.
"What's up?" I ask her and she gestures for me to come in. Once I'm in she closes the door and sits on her bed. I sit next to her. "Is it that Maddison girl again?" I ask her. I've had enough of this girl bullying Blair. Blair just shrugs and looks at the ground.
"I guess." She says still looking at the ground.
"You know what, I'm gonna do something about it. Don't worry it won't be bad but it will get her off of your back." I say and her face lights up.
"What have you got in mind?" She asks curious.
"You said that everyone was jealous of you because of the cool punk rock chic that picks you up." I say gesturing to myself and she laughs.
"Yeah." She says.
"Well here's my idea." I say to her then tell her my idea and she agrees. After we talked for a bit we hear Rachel shout.
"Dinner." So we both go down and have dinner with Rachel who shows us the already signed divorce papers.

The next day I just got off from work, Rachel is at a photo shoot and I am about to pick up Blair from school. I pull up to the school and wait. I see Maddison and make a sign for her to come over here. She smiles cockily at everyone as she walks over to the truck.
"Hey, get in." I say to her, as she's getting in I see Blair and she gives me a thumbs up. I start to drive away and turn a corner. I stop the truck and take the keys out.
"What are you doing?" Maddison asks me.
"Me? Oh I just want to have a little talk with you." I say turning to face her. "Listen to me, next time you bully Blair you're gonna have to deal with me. Trust me you don't want that. So what's going to happen is you are going to go over to your little friends and tell them to stop. If I get told that you and your little posse haven't changed I will come after you. That's a promise and I never break promises. Is that clear?" I say in an intimidating voices. She just nods her head in fear. "Good." I say then start the truck and start driving to the school again. As soon as I make a stop Maddison gets out and Blair hops in. We high five then I drive off.

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