Chapter 17

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Rachel's POV

I wake up wrapped in Chloe's arms. I smile as I remember what happened last night. Chloe is still sleeping so I look up at her. She's so cute. I plant a small kiss on her cheek then see her starting to move. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me then smiles.
"Good morning beautiful." She says as she kisses me on the forehead.
"Good morning." I say. "God I've missed this." I say and I snuggle into the crook of her neck. She starts playing with my hair.
"I've missed this too."

We spend another hour in bed cuddling then decide to get up.
"What are we be doing today?" Chloe asks me as she puts on her clothes. She is pretty much wearing the same as yesterday.
"I think we should go round our parents houses and tell them about us then go back to Blackwell because there is a dinner thing that people are going to and we wouldn't want to miss that now would we?" I say in a funny voice.
"Not at all." She says coming towards me and pulling me close to her. We kiss then she pulls away.
"You should get changed, not that you doing look super cute in you pjs." She says then walks away from me. I laugh then get changed into what I was wearing yesterday but a blue flannel instead of red. We leave the hotel and decide that we should go and get breakfast before going to my old house. We can just tell Joyce when we get to the two whales.

On the way to the two whales Chloe had her arm around me. I love when she does that. We sit at a booth and wait for Joyce to come over.
"Hello girls, good to see you again." She says as she approaches the table.
"Yeah you too mom. There is actually something that we wanted to tell you." Chloe says. I get a bit nervous, I don't know why. Joyce accepted us before so it shouldn't be a problem now.
"Rachel and I are back together." Chloe says and she reaches for my hand across the table. I grab her hand and hold it.
"That's great to hear, I'm glad. I always thought you two were cute together." She says.
"Thanks Joyce." I say.
"So what can I get you too?" She asks.
"Just the usual." Chloe and I say at the same time. All three of us laugh.
"Okay, coming right up." She says and walks away. Chloe and I ate and talked. All the time while we were eating we were playing footsie. We leave the diner and start making our way to my parents.

Chloe's POV

We walked to Rachel's parents house. On the way I had my arm around her shoulders. I know she loves when I do that. We arrive and I knock on the door. Rose opens the door and sees my arm around Rachel.
"Awe, are you two together again?" She asks in a excited tone. Rachel nods her head. Rachel and I have a smile on our faces. Rose comes out and hugs us.
"I'm so happy, I always loved you two together." She says.
"Funny, my mom said something like that." I say chuckling. I hear Rachel giggle. That giggle is so cute.
"That's because it's true. You are perfect for each other." She says while inviting us inside. We walk in and sit in the living room.
"James!" Rose shouts into his office. He comes out and sees Rachel and I sitting side my side holding hands.
"Are you to together again?" He says with a smirk.
"Yeah dad." Rachel says looking at me with a smile. I smile back.
"Hey, Mr Amber?" I say.
"Yes Chloe?" He asks.
"Could I talk to you for a moment in private?" I question.
"Of course, come into my office." He says as he walks into his office I get up and walk over to the room. I look over at Rachel and she is giving me a questioning look. I just smile then go into the room. Mr Amber closes the door the sits at his chair.
"What is it Chloe?" He asks with a smile.
"So, I love your daughter very much and I never want to loose her again. She makes me so happy and I don't know where I would be if she was never in my life." I start to ramble.
"Chloe, what is it?" He asks cutting me off so I don't ramble for any longer.
"Mr Amber, I'm asking for permission to marry your daughter." I say and look at him. He looks shocked but then relaxes.
"Yes Chloe, you have my permission to marry Rachel, when are you thinking about doing it?" He asks. I'm so glad he said yes.
"When we get back to California. I'm thinking about getting Blair to help me with the proposal." I tell him.
"That's a great idea." He says getting up and coming over to me. He wraps his arms around me and gives me a hug. I hug him back. We both go back into the living room. I sit down next to Rachel and grab her hands.
"What was that about?" She asks me.
"Don't worry about it, it's nothing." I say in a reassuring voice. She looks at me and I know she knows it's nothing but she decides to drop it. I can't wait for this week to be over.

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