Chapter 6

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Chloe's POV

After the movie ended Blair went upstairs while Rachel and I talked for a bit.
"Chloe can I tell you something?" She says with a serious look on her face.
"Sure thing." I reply.
"I'm thinking about divorcing Hunter. Not just because of what happened tonight but that does have something to do with it." She says.
"Oh okay. Whatever makes you happy." I smile at her and she smiles back.
"Right it's late so I'm going to go to bed. Here are some blankets and I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight." She says standing up from the couch, handing me blankets then heading for the stairs.
"Night." I say then she walks up the stairs. I lie awake on the couch for a few hours just thinking about everything that happened. At 3:30am I finally fall asleep.

I wake up with Rachel shaking my shoulder.
"Chloe, Chloe wake up." She says.
"Five more minutes." I groan.
"Nope get up now. I made breakfast." She says hoping that it would get me up and she was right. As soon as I heard the word breakfast I jump off of the couch and make my way to the kitchen. I hear Rachel laugh as I sit on a chair at the Island. Blair was already there and we smile at each other. We all eat breakfast and we are sitting talking when we hear the front door open. 'Oh shit, Hunter.' I think to myself and I can tell Rachel is thinking the same thing.
"I'm back." Hunter shouts as he shuts the front door and walks into the kitchen. When he sees me he looks sacred and furious at the same time.
"She stayed the night?!" He screamed.
"Please Hunter can we talk about this later? I can't deal with this right now." Rachel says to him.
"Well too bad. This is my house and I don't want her in it or near you." He says walking towards me. I look at Rachel and give her a look that says 'this could get messy'. She understands and backs away with Blair. Both of them look at us and just watch because they don't know what's about to happen.
"Get out!" He shouts, grabbing my arm. Rachel was about to do something but I looked at her and she got the message. I swing at his face with the arm he's not holding and clock him in the jaw pretty hard. He tries to grab me again but I dodge and use his weight against him throwing him onto the ground. I then get on top of him, like I did last night, and start to punch him. Rachel and Blair are in awe at how I managed to do that so they stood still not moving and just starring at us. I finally get off of him and sit back down. He is looking at me scared and helpless. I smirk at what I just did.
"Don't mess with me again. Or else this will happen again." I say. Rachel and Blair finally come out of their trance.
"Hunter. I want a divorce. It should make sense why." Rachel tells him and he gets up.
"Fine but this is my house so I don't know where you are going to go." He says to her.
"Actually it's my house. It's in my name. I bought it. So I don't know where you are going to go." She says with an accomplished look on her face. "The suitcases are under the bed. Go pack." She points to the stairs directing him to go up and he does.
"Wow Chloe I can't believe you did that. That was hella cool." Blair says holding up her hand for me to high five. I smack my hand against hers and she leaves to sit on the couch.
"Wow Price, that was really something." Rachel says as she hops up onto the counter.
"What do you mean. You stood up for yourself. That was pretty badass if I do say so myself." We both laugh and then We hear Hunter walking downstairs then opening the door and slamming it shut. We were victorious.

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