Chapter 18

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Chloe's POV

I am walking with my arm around Rachel like always. We are going to Blackwell for that dinner thing. I don't really know what it is and to be honest I'm not really looking forward to it but Rachel seems to be excited for it. When we arrive I keep my arm around Rachel. A few people come up to us and say that they thought we broke up but we had to tell them we are back together. It kinda bothers me but it's better than explaining the whole story. We walk into the building and see Dana. Here we go.
"OMG! ARE YOU TWO BACK TOGETHER?!" Dana screeches. I blocked my ears.
"Jesus Dana. I don't think China could here you. Can you say that a bit louder." I say. Dana and Rachel laugh.
"Yes Dana, we are back together." Rachel says. Dana squeals.
"YAY! I was wondering how long it would take for yous to get back together." She says.
"Yeah, yeah. Okay well I saw Justin and Trevor outside. I'm gonna go catch up with them. See you when this dinner thing starts." I say.
"Okay, see you later." She says and I give her a quick kiss before walking outside.

"Yo, what up Justin?" I say making my way over to him the other skater boys.
"Nothing much, you?" He asks holding the same skateboard he had when he was at this dump.
"Nah nothing, just wondering if you had a spare board with you?" I ask hoping he says yes.
"Of course, wanna ride?" He says. I first pump the air.
"Hell yeah!" I say and he hands me the board. About 4 of us start skating around the courtyard. I do a ton of tricks and it just feels great. Another one of the skater boys that wasn't skating turns on a massive speaker and plays some music. I love this feeing. I do some railing grinds and jumps. We are all laughing and having an amazing time. The rest of the skaters join us.

Rachel's POV

"So, you and Chloe huh?" Dana says pushing my shoulder a bit.
"Yeah, she just makes me so happy." I say smiling.
"I'm glad you and her connected again." She says. I start to hear really loud rock music playing outside and by the looks of it a lot of other people heard it too. Everyone makes there way over to the windows and looks outside. I see Chloe and the skaters riding around the courtyard. They are doing tricks and dancing along to the music. I smile at what is happening right in front of me. Chloe looks so happy. I stare at her biting my lip. She looks hot if I say so myself. She sees me looking at her and winks with a smirk on her face. I laugh. Dana sees everything that just happened is and staring at me.
"What?" I ask laughing.
"You two can't keep it in your pants can you?" She says laughing as well.
"I'm not sure what you mean." I say acting dumb.
"Sure you don't." She says walking away.

Chloe's POV

I went into the building in search for Rachel after I finished skating. I am looking around. I can't find her anywhere. I go round a corner and see that she is in the corner and Victoria is in front of her. 'Where is Taylor and Courtney?' I think. 'Honestly I don't care at this point, what the fuck does Victoria think she's doing?' I think then walk right up to them and push Victoria.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask her stepping in front of Rachel and coming between them.
"Oh nothing, I was just having a little chat with your girlfriend." She says back in a smug voice.
"I wouldn't be so smug Victoria." I say.
"Yeah? Am why's that?" She asks taking a step forward. "Wait, why don't we find out." She says as she quickly moves past me and throws Rachel to the wall. She hits her head and slides onto the ground.
"Ah, shit." Rachel says and she holds her head when she banged it.
"You stupid bitch." I say as I grab Victoria and pushes her up against the wall, holding her up by her throat. I start squeezing her throat and I can see the fear in her eyes. They only thing in my eyes is rage and I know that she can see that. I continue to squeeze her throat. Rachel starts to shout something but I can't hear her. Her face starts to go redder and redder. I can feel Rachel pulling at my arm trying to get me to let Victoria go but I don't. Finally I let go, pushing her to the wall. She slides down gasping for air. I look around and a crowd of people has gathered. I go over to them and suddenly they all make way for me to get past them. I go past them and walk out of the building. Rachel is calling after me but I ignore her. I'm about to go down the stairs to go to the street when I feel a hand on my arm spin me around.
"What the hell were you thinking? You could have killed her!" Rachel screams at me. I don't know what to say. I'm still angry but i look at Rachel straight in the eyes.
"Chloe are you even listening to me?!" She says still shouting.
"I'm sorry. When she threw you against that wall I couldn't control myself. Something took over my body and I couldn't do anything about it." I say with fear in my voice. I'm not sure what it was but I didn't like it one bit.
"Hey, it's okay. I know you couldn't control it and I'm sorry for shouting." She says then gives me a hug. I hug back.
"I don't think I should go to the dinner thing. You stay. I'm gonna go to the junkyard or something." I say.
"No I'll come with you." She says .
"Rachel, please stay. I'm sure Dana wants you to and other people. I'll be fine." I say.
"Okay. This ends at 9pm so I'll be at the junkyard about 9:30pm. Okay?" She says.
"Yeah okay, I'll see you later." I say turning around to start to walk away. Rachel spins me around again and kisses me. I kissed back then she pulls away.
"See you." She says then walks away. I start to walk to the junkyard. What a crazy day.

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