Chapter 9

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Rachel's POV

After Chloe shouted to me I thought I would just leave her to calm down for a couple of hours but it's currently 4:03am and I'm sitting on the couch waiting for her to get home. I'm so worried, what if something happened to her. I kept calling her and texting her but I couldn't reach her. I'm debating on whether I should call the police or not. Another 20 minutes pass and still no sign of her. I just hope she's safe.

Chloe's POV

I'm sitting at a cliff. I don't know why I came here but I did. My phone rings again but I ignore it because I know it's Rachel wondering where I am. 13 missed calls and 6 messages.
Rachel: Chloe come back it's getting late.
Rachel: Come on this isn't funny anymore.
Rachel: Please come back.
Rachel: I'm starting to get worried.
Rachel: Just send me anything just so I know you're okay.
Rachel: I'm worried about you.
I turn my phone off and stare at the ocean. It reminds me of the lighthouse back home in Arcadia Bay. I smile remembering all of the times Rachel and I had there. I get up and get in my truck. I start it up and make my way back to the house.

I walk in the door and Rachel is sitting on the couch. As soon as she seen me she runs up to me and hugs me.
"You had me worried sick." She says then pulls out of the hug and slaps me.
"I deserve that." I say.
"Chloe why would you do that? I was about to call the police." She tells me.
"Well I'm here and I'm tired so I'm going to sleep." I say while flopping into the couch.
"We will talk about this tomorrow." She says and makes her way upstairs.

I wake up and go through to the kitchen. Blair is sitting at the island and I don't know where Rachel is.
"Morning Chloe." Blair says.
"Morning Blair."
"Where were you last night, mom was so worried."
"I was just out thinking, nothing to worry about. Where is Rachel by the way." I ask.
"I think she's upstairs in her bed still." She tells me.
"Okay I'll go wake her up." I say and make my way up the stairs. I knock on Rachel's bedroom door and here her mumble.
"Come in."
I walk in and she's still in her bed like Blair said.
"What are you doing still in bed?" I ask her.
"Well a certain someone kept me up all night and had me worried." She says in a raspy voice.
"I'm sorry about that. I promise I will tell you everything after work."
"I'll hold you to that Price."
I walk out of Rachel's room and back into the kitchen.
"Want me to take you to school?" I ask Blair.
"Yeah everyone was so jealous of me when I got into your truck." She boasts.
"Okay well we are leaving in 10 minutes so be ready." I say to her.

"You ready?" I ask Blair.
"Yup." She replies.
"Okay then. Rachel I am taking. Blair to school. I'll see you after work!" I shout upstairs and hear a groan in response. We make our way out to my truck and get in.
"You ever heard of a band called Fire Walk?" I ask.
"Nope." She replies.
"Okay well I think you would like them." I put on their playlist and the first song that came on was 'Are you ready for me' I laugh because that was the first song that Rachel and I danced to at the concert. I sing along and Blair bops her head. Finally we reach the school. I fist bump Blair then she gets out of the truck and I drive to work.

Blair's POV

Once I get out of Chloe's truck she drives away. I turn around and see Jackie and Ellie looking at me smiling and I smile back. I walk over to them.
"Hey guys." I say.
"Hey Blair." Jackie says.
"Who is that and why is she picking you up and dropping you off at school?" Ellie asks getting straight to the point.
"Her name is Chloe and she was a friend of my mums when they were in high school. Chloe's staying with us right now. She's cool right." I say to them.
"Hell yeah she is. Everyone's talking about yesterday and everyone is jealous. Even little miss sunshine, Maddison." Jackie says.
"Really?" I ask but before they could answer the bell rings. 'Great class' I say to myself and start to walk inside the building.

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