Chapter 14 - Elle Magazine

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                This is somehow not a continuation of the last chapter. I’ve just imagined Laura talking about Taylor like this a million times, and I wanted to put it in here.

                If people told me to write an article, it would probably turn into a really crappy one so forgive me for this made-up article/interview about Laura and Taylor because I kind of think it sucks. Lol.

                The next chapter would pick up from Chapter 13 so please watch out for it. Have a great time reading!


                It was a Saturday morning when I arrived at Laura Prepon’s house, and she greeted me with a warm welcome with her big grin that reached her eyes. She was wearing a loose white v-neck shirt and black sweatpants that didn’t reach her ankles. She offered me something to eat, cooked by no one but herself and we propped ourselves on her couch, somehow a little too comfortably on my part.

                “So, what are we going to talk about today?” she asked excitedly.

                We were going to talk about Orange Is The New Black (OITNB), a show which had mended a lot of stereotypical television shows we have right now. After the long wait for Season 3, it’s now streaming on Netflix all over the world. And it’s continuing to be even more successful than it already is.

                Prepon looked glowing, and I didn’t fail to mention that to her. “Aww, thank you. It’s probably the long rest I got from my break.”

                But it was obvious that it was more than just that.

                Prepon, who played the hot drug-smuggling lesbian, Alex Vause, on the hugely successful show, sometimes had that vibe of being serious and preferred keeping to herself, but this day was different. She looked very welcoming, smiling and laughing the whole time we were talking, and I couldn’t help but attribute it to the fact that she’s with someone really special right now.

                “Not your girlfriend?”

                That girlfriend is, of course, Taylor Schilling, one of her co-stars and the lead of their show, for those who have been living under a rock for the past few weeks. She wasn’t around when I got there but her presence was very much felt because of numerous photos of the two of them displayed around Prepon’s house.

                She beamed at the mention of her girl, and I got my answer even before she opened her mouth.

                “Well, she’s a big part of it.”

                “Just a part?”

                “Well, yeah, I guess. I mean, you don’t expect me to depend all my happiness on one person, do you? There’s her, there’s my family, friends, the fans, our show... there’s just so many things in the world that can make someone happy.”

                When I said that that may be true, she just smiled and it was evident that she wasn’t going to go any further than that so I asked if could finally start with the proper interview.

                “Oh, we haven’t started yet?” she asked, chuckling. “Okay then, ask away!”

                 Oh hey, she offered. Might as well take it.

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