Chapter 12 - Flash Forwards

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December 24, 2014 Thursday

                “Yes babe, I’m on my way there right now.” Laura was making her way to her car while talking to Taylor on phone. She was leaving for New Jersey today. She always looked forward to spending the holidays with her family. It’s always the best time of her year.

                “Ugh, I really want to go with you. Why couldn’t you just bring me?” Taylor, on the other hand, was also getting ready to leave for her Mom’s place. She was spending Christmas at her place then New Year’s with her Dad.

                “Because you have your family you should be spending the holidays with! I’m sure you don’t wanna miss that.” Laura was aware of Taylor’s uneasiness with her family’s set up when it came to these kinds of holidays. But still, she wanted her to spend time with them because she knew what her parents were probably gonna feel if she didn’t.

                “Oh, trust me, I do.” She sighed. “So, when do I get to see you again?”

                Laura could hint the sadness in her girlfriend’s tone and felt bad about it. “After New Year’s probably? We’re going to celebrate all the nominations you’ve got these past few days, okay?” Awards season was just around the corner and Laura was ecstatic when she found out that Taylor was nominated for a SAG and a Golden Globe. She couldn’t be prouder. “I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

December 25, 2014 Thursday

                Indeed, Laura had the most incredible time during Christmas Eve. They had amazing food and she even did karaoke with her family. She hated singing but she had the best time.

                She kept trying to call Taylor but she wouldn’t pick up. She’d only answered one of her texts, and that was just a simple ‘Merry Christmas!’ She knew then that something had probably gone wrong with Taylor’s Christmas and she was worried.

                “What’s wrong, Laura? You’re making your niece dizzy with all that pacing back and forth that you’re doing.”

                “I’m sorry. Could you take her for a minute, Mom? I’m gonna try calling Taylor again, see if she’s okay.”

                “Why don’t you just go see her?” asked her mom as she took her granddaughter.

                “What? But it’s Christmas.”

                “Exactly. And you told me how hers is at her family’s. We never know if something went wrong. And we’ll never know unless you see her. Maybe she needs to be with you today.”

                “Have you just kicked me out of your house?”

                “Yeah, I think I just did.”


                Laura decided to drop by her New York home first. Taylor was still not answering her calls or texts so she figured she’d visit her house in New York before leaving for her Mom’s. When she went inside her bedroom, she was surprised because someone was lying on her bed.

                “Taylor?? What are you doing here??”

                Taylor immediately stood as she heard Laura’s voice. “Laura?? What are you doing here??”

                Laura chuckled as she pulled Taylor into an embrace. “I think I live here. You? I thought you were at your Mom’s?”

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