Chapter 3 - Everything's Changing

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A few weeks later, Laura and Taylor were closer than ever. When Laura arrived in New York after spending more than a week in Jersey, she immediately called Taylor and they again spent the day together. From then on, whenever they had free time, each would call the other one and they would then spend that free time together.

They were seen in public a lot that more rumours of them being together in real life were spread all over the world. Knowing that they were both just really good friends, they just shrugged all of those off.

"Have you heard the news today?" asked Taylor.

She and Laura were having lunch out. Both had just finished their weekly workout. Both of them worked out three to four times a week but picked one day from those to work out together.

Everyone kept staring at them but it had been happening a lot lately that Taylor had mastered how to ignore it.

Laura found it harder to ignore the stares, though. She found it quite uncomfortable eating with a lot of eyes on them. She's never really gotten used to fame yet, even though she's been one of the most talked-about television personalities for years, especially now with the popularity of their show.

But she appreciated all her fans. As crazy as some were, they were part of the reasons for her good life today and she was forever thankful for that.

"Wait, are you okay?" She looked around and knew instantly that all the stares were making her friend uncomfortable.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine. It's just, people keep staring. I feel like they're trying to undress me with their eyes," she chuckled.

"Well, let them. You have a hot gorgeous body," she joked to ease Laura's tension, and she succeeded. "Ignore them. They'll stop, eventually. Wait, do you wanna move some place else? We can just leave."

"No, no, it's all right. Promise. I'll just... ignore it." And she did. She just focused on her food and Taylor. "Anyway, what news?"

"Oh, that." Just thinking about it made Taylor shake her head. "Well, news is out that someone saw us making out at a bar last night."

Taylor said it with such straight face that Laura almost believed it. "Are you serious??"

"Yeah, there's even a photo, mind you. A tall black-haired woman and a blonde not as tall as the other one... shagging." Taylor was close to laughing now.

"A photo? What, was it photoshopped or something?" Laura found it so preposterous that she, too, was starting to laugh.

"Apparently not. The photo was real. There were really two real people making out, both girls, a blonde and a black-haired." She paused. "We're sure that's not us, right?" This time, Taylor had let out her chuckle.

Laura had joined in, too. It was ridiculous how news went these days.

"You know what, that actually makes me wonder how people would react if we actually did go out. I mean, as a real couple. Like Alex-Piper couple. Minus the drugs and all the bullshit, of course. Maybe they wouldn't even believe it anymore." Taylor said wonderously.

"Jesus, I can only imagine. Everyone would go crazy."


"I noticed how you're starting to become a homebody these past few weeks." It was Laura's mother, Marjorie. She was in New York for a few days to attend some friend's wedding.

"What do you mean? You've only been here two days, Ma." They were both at Laura's couch, each enjoying a cup of tea.

"What, you think I don't have ears and eyes here?"

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