Chapter 11 - First Night Out

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Taylor and Laura left Jersey the next day. Laura had dropped Taylor in her place first. "So, did you have a great time in my hometown?" asked Laura when they were both sitting at the couch.

"I did! Too bad that I couldn't meet the rest of your family, though."

"Yeah, but we have all the time in the world for that, babe."

"Yes, we do." She looked at Laura and imagined spending the rest of her life with her. It wasn't a bad idea. In fact, it was probably the best she's had in a long time. But she kept that to herself. "So, ready to meet my parents next?"

"What??" Laura exclaimed at Taylor with such a surprise look on her face that Taylor laughed so hard.

"What?? You were always scolding me for having been so nervous about meeting your mom. Maybe it's time to return you the favor."

"We talked nothing about that!" Taylor kept laughing that Laura knew that she was just playing with her. "Stop it! I've only got a parent, you have both. It's unfair."

"So? That's not gonna be a problem. You can choose who you want to meet."

"Are you kidding me??"

"I was indeed, kidding. You're gonna have to meet both of them. Lucky for you, they're divorced. So it's not gonna be on the same time." Taylor was of course just messing with Laura. She hadn't even talked to her parents yet ever since she and Laura got together.

"Yeah, right. Lucky me," said Laura sarcastically as she stood up. "Anyways, I think I'm gonna have to go babe. I'll just see you again... whenever?"

Taylor stood, too. "Actually, I had something in mind..."

"What is it?"

"Do you have any plans tonight? I mean, with other people?"

"Well, I'm not seeing anybody else except you, if that's what you mean." She chuckled.

"Huh, you better not." She chuckled, too. "I meant with some of your friends."

"Oh that. No. No plans. Why?"

"I was thinking we could go out?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, go out! Literally, this time. We haven't gone out yet, like on a real date. I wanna do that tonight."

Laura was surprised but excited. "Oh, so you're asking me on a date," she smiled widely.

"Yeah, I think I am. So? Are you up for it?"

"Yes, of course. I'll see you tonight, then?"

"Yes." It was going to be an epic night.


Taylor spent the rest of her day planning her first 'date' with Laura. They've gone out a lot of times, albeit as friends, so she had to think how this one would be different... aside from the fact that they were now a couple.

Laura, on the other hand, went about her day trying to convince herself that she wasn't thinking at all about how her and Taylor's night was going to be. She failed at that, of course. It was all she could think about.

When she got home from Taylor's, she immediately called her girlfriend because she had just thought of one flaw of their plan: the public. They had already talked to their agents about whether it was okay to finally flaunt their relationship to the public and both of them were in agreement that the couple should stay mum about their relationship, for the meantime. They told them to save that for when their promotion for OITNB starts. It would help boost the publicity, they said.

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