Chapter 13 - Back in Litchfield

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                It had been four months ever since Taylor and Laura started going out. Things were still going as smoothly as they could get for them. Of course, there were numerous times when they had fought. But those fights were only just about petty things that they would eventually kiss and make up.

                They had gone back to work when they started doing promotions for the third season of their show and they had found a way to informally announce that they were now a couple in real life by deciding to go out one time, hand in hand, finally flaunting their affection for each other. Most of the public accepted this warmly. A lot had expressed how much they had been waiting for this to happen ever since first season. Some, unsurprisingly, pegged this relationship as a fake one, accusing both the actresses of using it as a publicity for their show.

                The couple of course did not care at all what people thought. They were just happy that they did not need to hide from anybody anymore, that they were free to show people how much they loved each other. This had even helped their relationship become stronger.


                After a few months of break, Taylor and Laura were back on the set of Orange Is The New Black. They weren’t too happy that they were back in that horrible abandoned psychiatric ward, though.  But everyone was excited to see each other and so everyone was still happy to be back, in spite of the setting itself. There were few, though, who weren’t back for the fourth season and it was sad because they were going to miss them. But there were also additions to the show so it was still all good.

                Today, they were shooting a scene at the cafeteria so Taylor, Laura, Yael, Natasha, Uzo and the rest of the cast were all there. Taylor and Laura were having their makeup done when Natasha and Yael went near them.

                “Hey, you two.” It was Yael. “Going strong?”

                Taylor and Laura looked at each other. “I guess,” Laura answered.

                “You guess?? Really??” asked Taylor incredulously.

                “Shit! Wrong answer, Prepon,” joked Natasha. They all laughed.

                They were all having an animated conversation when Ruby Rose, went near Taylor. She said hi to everyone for about a second. “Hey Taylor, can I borrow you for a minute? I just have something to tell you.”

                At this point, Laura’s eyebrow shot up. She saw Ruby Rose take Taylor’s hand, enclose it with her own, and drag her all the way across the room. “What just happened?” She asked Yael and Natasha. “She couldn’t say what she was supposed to tell her in front of us?”

                Yael and Tash just shrugged at Laura, and looked at her, amused by her reaction.

                “And she couldn’t even acknowledge that I was here, the girlfriend?? I mean, how hard was it to say, ‘Hi Laura! May I borrow your girlfriend for a while?’” she asked in an annoyed tone.

                Again, Yael and Natasha didn’t speak but just laughed at Laura. They both knew that Laura had always been aloof with Ruby Rose and it seemed like that feeling was gonna be more intense now.

                Laura watched Taylor and Ruby Rose across the room and got even more annoyed when she saw both of them laughing, looking like they were having so much fun. At one point she even saw their hot lesbian co-star’s hand on Taylor’s thigh. If she wasn’t being prepped up for her upcoming scene, she would’ve stormed towards the two of them and dragged Taylor away.

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