Night Thrills

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It feels scary taking the first few steps and leaving the house but I know it will be worth it.

I walk along through the night, the wind rustling through my fur and everything seems to be going pretty well...

Until suddenly a car almost hits me and I run away whimpering. I run through some alleyways and already feel scared!

I find a place I can go that is sheltered from the scariness that seems to be at every turn. I pant and I think I'm alone when I hear someone and realize I'm not.

"Hello?" I ask, nervously stepping forward, "Who's there?"

I hear growling and two huge red eyes meet me. A huge snarling Rottweiler meets my presence.

"Oh my goodness, please don't hurt me!" I beg, covering my eyes

I try to retreat but I'm trapped in this alley. Right when I think it's all over for me, I hear barking and I see a dark brown blur run out in front of me and start fighting off this dog.

She can't be much older than me and she really is destroying this dog!

Soon, the dog limps away and this new puppy calls after him, "Yeah, that'll teach you!"

I say, gratefully, "Thank you so much! You saved my life!"

She nonchalantly kicks a can aside, "Don't worry about it, princess ."

She finally gives me eye contact and I get lost in her eyes, they're a tender hazel color and her coat is dark brown with a light brown stripe going down her muzzle and chest. Her ears are floppy like a mutt and she looks to be like a mix between a chocolate lab and a border collie.

She's beautiful and also brave.

"Hey you okay?" she asks, cocking her head

I assure, "Oh! Yes, I'm fine, sorry"

"You don't seem like a street dog, princess. Then again, your collar gives that away. Why are you out here anyways?" she questions

"I feel misunderstood at home. I feel different, I just wanted my own adventure for a change, I think I deserve some freedom and my own fairytale life too" I explain, trying to make sense

She nods, "I understand. I guess I just assumed you were always treated like a princess based off your pampered fur, but that's not fair to judge by appearance so I'm sorry"

"Don't worry about it! Actually, my name's not princess by the way" I make known

She raises an eyebrow and asks cockily, "Oh really? Then what is your name?"

"Dani" I declare, proudly

"I like your strut, Dani. I'm Hailey" she says

I wag my tail, "It's great to meet you, Hailey"

"You as well! Hey, is this your first night out here?"

"Yes" I admit

"Come with me, I have a place you can stay" Hailey gestures and I follow her

"Thank you so much!" I say, very happy to have found a friend. And what are the chances the friend is Hailey? She's so cool and nice and beautiful!

Hailey replies, "Of course, Dani!"

We run off to a place to stay the night.

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