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The next day was the best day of my life...until it wasn't

Most of the day was a dream come true, so let's talk about that first because the first part of the day definitely was the best and a day that is always in my heart

Hailey and I had a great morning, we ate bagels for breakfast and then took a stroll around town. At around noon, we got some street bacon and had to run from some junkyard dogs but thankfully, we're fast runners.

When we got to a clearing, Hailey said, "Don't worry, those guys are just jerks. But if they ever did try anything with you, I would end them"

I blushed, "Thanks Hailey, I would defend you too"

Hailey licked my cheek and I found myself getting more and more lost in her eyes till I could hardly stand it.

As we were walking through town, they day soon turned into afternoon where a crips sun showered our town in a yellowish daze.

"So princess, what do you want to do next? I'm up for anything you want!" said Hailey, her tail wagging 

"And I want anything you want and I just want everything with you" I admitted, meaningfully

Hailey looked at me, curiously, "What do you mean, Dani?"

I sighed, "Hailey, this past twenty four hours has been the best of my life. I want anywhere you are. I want to do things with you like explore the whole world and play games and chase butterflies and I just...I want to kiss you sometimes!" 

It blurted out! I swear it just blurted out!

My tail went between my legs and I stammered, "I'm...I'm so sorry, Hailey. I..." but she interrupted me sweetly with a gentle kiss on my wet puppy nose. Her nose was cold and smooth and moist against mine and I could feel her mouth on mine and I was in utter shock.

I quickly gained my composure however and kissed her back.

After our kiss, she looked at me and said, "I like you too, Dani. I like you a lot. You're such a beautiful, endearing goofball and I want to spend all my time with you too"

She held my paws in hers and I knew I was smiling like crazy!

"I know we just met but I feel like what we have is special" she told me

"I feel that way too" I told her and rubbed up against her.

"Hey Dani? Can I take you somewhere? Somewhere where it can be just us?" offered Hailey, gently

I nodded, happily, "Absolyetly!"

"I have a feeling you're going to love it!" she told me 

She was so right

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