Little Less than the Norm

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Dani here again! Hi! Okay so today...

Started off totally seemingly usual, I go over to get my supper of delicious chopped bacon and beef meal and my sisters eat alongside me but (of course) are not really engaging in conversation with me.

I scarf down the delicious meatiness as if I haven't eaten in days. My sisters look at me with judgment.

"Danielle, maybe slow down a little" smirks Annette

Collette puts in, "Yeah, we're top class dogs, we are supposed to be beautiful, remember? We can't be overeating, only over-bathing"

I look at them in confusion, "Who got those ideas in your head?"

"Well, the neighborhood puppies are talking about it. They say that the finest looking puppies will get a mate this season" informs Collette

I say in surprise, "Wow, I wasn't aware that you even cared about getting a mate"

Collette shrugs, "I don't want a mate, but I do want to look good"

I decide to give in, there's no point arguing, "Whatever you say!"

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Scamp trying to sneak out of the house with Angel.

He shoots me a pleading look and so I don't say anything.

Annette, my blue collared sister, however catches him, "Scamp! Where do you think you're going?"

Scamp laughs nervously, "What are you talking about? We're just going to take a morning hike"

It's been years of Angel living here with us and even I know they've never taken a morning hike before, they're such night owls

"Angel, where are you two really going?" asks Collette, her long ears going from side to side

"We... umm..." Angel was struggling for words

Scamp growls, "Girls! Why does it matter? All you three do is stay in the house and get pampered all day! This isn't interfering in your life, just let us do what we do"

I'm honestly really hurt by what Scamp said. Does he really think we're that shallow? Does it seem like we're just his ditzy sidekick sisters that don't have a life? I know that I do have a life and I have a lot of things that are her to come that I just haven't discovered yet.

I paw at the purple worn down rug as if that will take me away from this conversation so I don't get mad.

Angel says softly, "Be easy on them, Scamp. They're only looking out for us"

"Yeah she's right" points out Collette with a roll of her eyes

Scamp groans, "I do so much for you three and you repay me by..."

"Wait what?" I ask

Shoot, I snapped.

I continue on angrily, "Listen, Scamp, you don't do anything for us! You're not the token-prize pup that you think you are"

Scamp furrows his brows, "Danielle, what are you talking about?"

I spin my collar so the tag glimmers in the light, "Dani, actually. And what I'm talking about is you always get your way and we don't. Why do you get to get away with everything?"

"Really? I don't ever see you chained up" retorts Scamp

I shout back, "That's because I don't do anything deserving of chains!"

Scamp shakes his head, "You really think I have it so easy?"

"No, but I think you think we do" I say

Scamp argues, "No I didn't say that! If you have problems going on, I'd always be there to listen. But I do know what you girls do all day and so I just said what it is you do"

I reply, "Well we have to worry about looking good for the neighborhood puppies and things that I'm sick of worrying about"

I start to feel more upset

"Then don't worry about them" says Scamp, thinking he's solves the answer to all my problems

"You don't get it!" I yell and run upstairs to my room

I throw myself on the pillow and cry. I think I'm gonna stay here all night.

It wasn't just this recent argument. These past few days have been difficult. More expectations from puppies in the neighborhood and Scamp doing whatever he pleases with his girlfriend. My sisters keep telling me how to act and I don't know how to talk to my parents like Collette and Annette do. Things are hard right now. I tell myself they'll get better but I think I need to put some work in to make that happen.

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