

"I'll kill you if someone walks in."

The Prince stilled. As much as he liked having Merlin like this, it really would be hard to explain if someone saw. He was the Prince, after all, and there were rules about this sort of thing. "Alright," he sighed, releasing Merlin and picking up his shirt, "I'll get dressed."

"Can you hurry up? Aglain's waiting."

"I'm going as fast as I can — I'm injured, remember?"

"You're fine," Merlin whispered.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just meant I'm slower."

"Do you need help?"

"I can do it."  Then, as an after thought: "thank you though."


As soon as Arthur stepped out of the tent he was greeted with sunlight.  It streamed through the trees and fell in dappled pools across the ground.  Only a few leaves lay among the foliage.  Inside, the tent floor had been covered with the previous year's fall, but here, out in the open, the first leaves of Autumn were yet to show themselves.  And then, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the light, Arthur was finally able to to see the camp in all its beauty. 

"What do you think?"

Arthur turned to see a man stood beside him. He was dressed in a rusted red cloak with the hood pulled back so that his face could be easily seen. There was something about him that Arthur found both trustworthy and calming.

"I'm Aglain," he smiled, "we've met. Though I'll forgive you for not remembering, you were quite the state when you arrived."

The Prince held out a hand, which Aglain shook. "Nice to meet you. I'm Arthur. As for what I think," he took another sweeping glance of the camp before him, "I think this place is wonderful. I'd love to look around, if that's okay?"

"Of course."

Realising that was the only response he was getting, Arthur gave his thanks and began to wander slowly towards a series of campfires, leaving Merlin — who'd just come out of the tent behind him — with Aglain.

"How's he doing?" The Druid asked, still watching the Prince.

"Better, I think. The infection's gone."

"That's good."

Merlin nodded. 

"Your Arthur's a strange one, isn't he?"


"He just introduced himself to me.  The Prince of Camelot introduced himself."  There was something in his voice that sounded like, but wasn't quite, amusement.  Then: "don't lose him," Aglain reminded, watching as Arthur started to disappear between a set of tents, "I'm told you're to keep an eye on him."

"Yeah, someone has to." Merlin gave a quick smile and then jogged after Arthur, rounding the corner just in time to see the Prince clasping Mordred's arm and pulling him into a hug the same way he did with the knights. Merlin's smile dropped.

A Different Destiny / Merthur Where stories live. Discover now