Chapter 6

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Short and easy chapter. :) Song: Give me Love (Demi Lovato Cover)
Enjoy xoxox

"He what?!" Holly gasped.

"Kissed me." I faintly smiled.

"Sh, he's coming this way." Holly glanced over my shoulder.

We were standing at Holly's locker, talking about what happened on mine and Evan's date last night.

Evan just walked right by me. He didn't talk me, he didn't even look at me.

"Um, what the hell was that?!" Holly raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Did anything else happen between you two last night?" She asked.

"No. It was just kind of awkward. Other than that, no."


During class, Evan was silent. It was like the first day all over again. I decided to pass him a note.

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah, fine.

Want to get lunch later? We can go to that sandwich shop if you'd like.


And that was that. I met Evan after Journalism. Again, he was leaning against the wall.

He was wearing a blue and green flannel, black skinny jeans and some sneakers. He looked hot. And his hair was pushed back perfectly, like he had brushed it, but had been running his hands through it.

And then there was me. I looked like I just got out of bed. I was wearing black skinny jeans, an AC/DC band tee, and some cut-off ankle boots. I had my leather jacket too, but that was in my locker.

Evan and I lightly talked on the walk to the sandwich shop. When we got there, we ordered and sat down.

"Listen, I'm sorry for last night. The crying and everything." I explained.

"It's fine, Aurora." Evan said.

"You sure?"

He nodded. "Yes. I completely understand that that is a touchy subject."

"Thanks." I faintly smiled.

"And the kiss...I'm sorry for that. It was clumsy and nervously awkward." Evan blushed.

"Evan, it's okay it was like that. Because I think that, I like you too."

His eyes lit up. "You do?"


Evan opened his mouth to say something but then Angelina walked up to our table.

"Can I join you guys?" She asked.

Evan looked at her then back at me.

I shrugged. "I guess. Sure."

"Yay, thanks!" Angelina flashed a fake smile.

It stayed silent for a second as we were trying to figure out what to say.

"So how are you guys?" Angelina asked, taking a sip of water.

"Fine. We're fine." I said.

"Evan, you're awfully quiet." Angelina looked at him.

"I guess." Evan replied.

"So how is your guys' relationship?" Angelina asked.

"Relationship? What relationship?" I looked at her.

"Aren't you two...y'know. Dating?"

I shook my head.  "No."

"Oops, my bad." Angelina faintly smiled. She knew that Evan and I weren't dating but she asked anyways. She was up to something.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Evan. "Did we have any homework in Civics?"

"I don't think so." He said.

"Hey Evan," Oh great. Angelina was talking again. She probably felt left out because Evan and I were talking without her. "Why don't you tell what's-her-name over here, why you moved here."

"What's-her-name is actually named Aurora, Angelina." I looked at her and faintly smiled.

"I don't want to discuss it right now." Evan looked at Angelina.

"Oh, c'mon!" Angelina yelled.

"I think you should leave. Angelina." Evan's voice was stern. He looked furious.

Angelina flipped her hair. "Fine. But, you might also mention what happened this summer ans that you're a two-timing jerk."

Angelina stood up and grabbed her stuff, stomping out of the sandwich shop.

I looked at Evan. "What was that about?"

"It's kind of alot to take in, but I'm just not comfortable talking about what happened; why I moved here. Maybe later in our future." His eyes looked tired as he talked.

"Ok? That's fine, Evan." I gulped.

What does she mean that he's a two-timing jerk? Did Angelina and Evan date over the summer? Did he cheat on her? I don't even know what's going on right now, I have so many thoughts and questions going through my mind right now.

"Aurora, can I see you tonight?" Evan looked at me.

I had to admit. That question scared me.


"How does 6 o'clock sound?" He looked at his watch.

I nodded. "Sure, sure."

Evan stood up. I knew that meant that it had to have been time to go back to school. They hadn't even made our sandwiches yet. We left anyways.

On the walk back, I couldn't help but think of Evan's past. What was so bad about it that he didn't want to talk about? I told him about my dad, for goodness sakes.

Was it something in his family? Abuse? Alcoholics? A death? Parents switched jobs? Or maybe it was something that involved Evan himself. He was a troublemaker? Got bad grades? Goofed off too much? Went to jail? Was a murderer?

No, Evan wasn't a murderer. He didn't go to jail. But gosh damn it, why wouldn't he tell me?!

My brain buzzed with questions and possibilities for the rest of the day.

Afraid {Evan Peters}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat