Chapter 15

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Song: Summertime Sadness (Cover by Miley Cyrus)
This chapter gets interesting, soo! :)
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Enjoy. Xoxox

It had been three days since I had seen Levi. He hadn't come to the hospital, and he hadn't called or texted me. I felt relieved. Maybe he finally realized what he was doing.

It was a bright afternoon. The sun was shining through the window. Usually in California, October was a rainy month. I wasn't exactly sure why the sun was shining, especially so bright. I was reading a book that I had gotten at the hospital gift shop this morning.

I heard a sound, the sound of blankets moving. I slowly lifted my head and looked up, only to see Evan awake.

I dropped the book. "Evan?"

"W-what's going on?" Evan's voice was weak.

I walked over to Evan. He was pale, and seemed confused.

"Evan, do you know where you are?" I questioned.

He slowly inspected his surroundings. "The hospital."

"Do you know who I am?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not an idiot, Aurora. You're my girlfriend."

I smiled and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Well why am I here? And what happened to you?" Evan asked. I assumed he was talking about my beat up face. It had been a few days, and it had healed a little bit, but not much.

"You don't remember?" I looked at him. I was just going to tell him about the car crash. Not Levi. I couldn't. He'd freak out.

He shook his head no.

"You bad I got into a car crash. I have a few fractured ribs and a concussion. And you, well, you were in a coma." I gulped.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Aurora." Evan studied my face, as if he were suspicious.

I nodded. "I have to go get the nurse, to let her know you're awake and stuff. You've been out for like five days!"

The nurse came in and wrote some notes down, and asked Evan some basic questions to see if he had a memory of anything before. Sure enough, he did. Except the accident.

I had been thinking of telling Evan about Levi. But Evan would freak out and probably try to beat up Levi. But something tells me that Levi would end up hurting Evan. It feels as if Levi has more power over Evan and me. But I probably wouldn't tell Evan at least until he feels better and is healed.


I stayed with Evan the rest of his time in the hospital. He was released the next week, 3 days later. He was home for awhile, until he decided to come back to school a few days after he was released.

Since Evan's car was getting fixed, I drove him to school in my car. Today, he was wearing cream colored pants with a grey crew neck. No matter what he wore, he was insanely gorgeous.

We got to school, and everybody was obsessing over Evan. Everybody wanted to know where he was and why he was gone for so long. During Civics, I could feel a sweat coming on, so I rushed to the bathroom. I had covered Levi's slap marks with makeup, I couldn't let a little sweat make my makeup run. What were red, puffy slap marks, slowly turned into painful, giant bruises. I was surprised nobody had really become suspicious. And I hadn't seen Levi, so that was a plus.

Evan didn't want to walk anywhere for lunch, so I walked to the bagel shop alone. Holly and Drew stayed with Evan, while I got bagels for everyone. We ate at this same bagel shop almost everyday, and never got sick of it.

When I got there, I was surprised to see a certain somebody there. That certain somebody being Levi.

I tried my hardest to ignore him and stand in line. But Levi took the chance and walked over to me.

"Hey babe." He smiled, lightly putting his hand on my back.

I frowned and shoved him away. "Don't touch me."

"C'mon, don't be like that." He whispered. I knew why he was whispering. He couldn't risk letting anybody from school see how he really was. It would ruin his reputation.

"Then don't touch me," I crossed my arms. "Don't even talk to me. Go away." I was attempting being brave, but I was afraid there would be consequences if I was too rude to him. Like maybe a new bruise on my cheek. Or something worse, I don't know.

"Hey, come with me, Aurora." Levi gestured towards a table in the back.

I shook my head. "No thanks."

Levi scowled. "Now."

Great. He's being like that now.

I followed him to the back table, only to find Angelina sitting next to the window.

She greeted me with a huge, fake smile. "Aurora! Good to see you, hun."

I carefully sat down next to Angelina, while Levi sat on across from us.

Everything was silent for awhile, until Angelina broke the silence.

"Ok, let's get down to business. Here's the deal, Aurora," She eyed Levi. "I want Evan back, and Levi wants you back."

I stayed silent. What did she think she was doing?

"And if you'll just break up with Evan, he'll come back to me. And then Levi can have you," She smiled. "Now, if you'll just gladly accept this deal, we won't have any issues."

"No." I gulped. This was bad.

"Excuse me?" Angelina frowned. I don't think I had ever seen her like this.

"I said no." I started to stand up.

"Listen, Aurora, if this doesn't happen, then things are going to get really ugly. And I don't think you want that." She replied, in her high pitched, sassy voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"And we will do whatever it takes to bring you down." Angelina said.

"I don't care." I said. There was nothing that they could possibly do.

"You're going to regret this, Aurora." Angelina smiled again.

I left without looking back and I had forgotten to get bagels on the way. Oh well. I couldn't tell Evan about any of this. It was just some stupid thing Angelina was thinking and thought she was doing. Evan doesn't need to worry. He doesn't need stress right now. I'll talk to Holly about it.

I had to admit, I was majorly curious as to what they thought they were going to do. I mean, I suppose Levi has the power to hurt me. But as long as I don't lose Evan then that's okay. But it made me wonder what Angelina was going to do. Like really? Yeah, she's popular but nobody really likes her because she's so rude and fake. And Levi was popular too. Heck, everybody loved him. I had two populars coming after me, and the more I thought about it, the more nerve-wrecking it got.

I apologized to everyone for not getting the bagels. I told them that I ran into an old friend and we were catching up, and I must have left without grabbing the bagels. How stupid of me.

I drove Evan home after school, and made sure he was okay and didn't need anything. His parents weren't home. Speaking of his parents, Evan still doesn't know that I met his parents in the hospital. I should maybe tell him.

When I got home, I called Holly to see if she could come over. When she got here, I explained everything that's been happening. I even took off my makeup to show her how bad the bruises were from Levi. I mentioned everything. And Holly was blown away.

"I just can't believe it, that he would ever do something like that." She said.

"Well believe it, because it's true," I shrugged. "Anyways, what should I do?"

"Well Angelina said that things would get ugly if you didn't do what was told, right?" Holly asked.

I nodded, slightly thinking about what Angelina and Levi had in mind. It was starting to scare me.

Holly smiled an evil smile. "Well, Angelina better be prepared to fight. Because things are about to get a whole lot uglier."

Afraid {Evan Peters}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz