Chapter 12

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Song for this chapter: Say Something (Cover by Pentatonix) enjoy this chapter! P.S. there's a note at the end of this chapter. Enjoy xoxo

I woke up to the smell of cheap lavender perfume and the sound of heels stomping on the floor. Great, mom was here.

"Aurora, honey? Holly is here." She sat down on the chair next to the shelf with the books on it.

"Hey Aurora," Holly faintly smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

I glared at my mom. "Terrible."

"Aurora, you can't go see Evan. Not until you're better." Mom said.

"But I'm fine! I can just walk with that walking IV thing." I pressed the 'help' button on my bed, that will bring a nurse into my room when pressed.

A minute later, a small, petite woman came into my room. She had blonde hair, pulled into a ponytail. She was wearing black scrubs with ghosts on them. Probably for Halloween. It was coming up soon.

"Is something wrong, Aurora?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, I need to go see Evan. Evan Peters."

"I think we can arrange that." She smiled and helped me up, making sure I could walk by myself.

She led me to Evans room, which was the next floor up, room 316. I walked in, with one hand on the IV fluid, pulling it along with me.

"I'll leave you two alone." The nurse said, and she walked out.

I stood by Evan's side, tears welding up in my eyes. He had bruises and scrapes all over his body.

I grabbed his hand and began rubbing circles in his palm.

The door opened, and in walked a tall man. Following closely behind was a shorter woman. She had marks on her face, as if someone had slapped her.

"Evan, sweetie?" She ran up to Evan, shaking his arm, trying to wake him.

"Excuse me, who are you?" The man asked me. He had a deep, stern voice.

"Oh, I'm Aurora. Aurora Fawcett."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm John, Evan's father." He stuck his hand out.

I carefully shook his hand, as the woman approached me.

"I'm Beth, Evan's mom," She faintly smiled. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"Yeah, you too." I smiled.

"So what exactly happened? Why are you two in here?" John asked.

"I don't really remember. All I know is a car crash. I'm surprised they even let me come up here. I have a few fractured ribs, and a concussion." I explained.

Evan's mom gasped. "That's terrible, honey."

"Yeah. Anyways, what's wrong with Evan? The doctor said that he was facing major injuries." I looked around.

"He didn't tell you? This god damn hospital is ridiculous!" John yelled. He was beginning to lose his temper, and it kind of terrified me.

"Calm down, John. He's in a coma." Beth quickly replied.

"A c-coma?" I looked at her, teary eyed.

"It's not too serious," Beth walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "Doc said that he should be up anytime."

I faintly smiled and hugged her back.

"Well, I should probably go back to my room, before the doctor finds out I left." I sighed.

"Oh, no, stay. I'm sure Evan would be glad if you stay." Beth said.

"I don't know. I guess I could."

"I'll go up to your room and bring some blankets and a pillow. You'll be fine as long as you have your IV, right?" John asked.

I nodded. "I should be."

John left and came back minutes later with a pillow and a few blankets.

"Thank you, so much." I propped the pillow behind my back and carefully sat down. I yelped in pain, as my chest and rib cage ached.

"Are you ok?" John looked at me.

I nodded. "I think so."

After I finally got into a comfortable position, Beth and John offered to bring me Panda Express. Of course, I couldn't pass that offer. I stayed with Evan, so he could have some company, even though he wasn't awake. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Evan was in a coma. And I had a concussion.

I started thinking about what Angelina had told me. That Evan's father was an alcoholic. He sure didn't look like one. Maybe he had gotten help when they moved here. And his mother, looked so sweet, and acted so sweet. And her face, she looked like she has been slapped, hard. And it made me wonder, was it Evan's dad who had slapped her across the face? Was he abusive?

Mr. and Mrs. Peters came back with Panda Express. I ate my food, and Mr. and Mrs. Peters said that they had to leave.

"I should actually get going too. Back to my room." I said.

"We'll walk you there." Beth offered.

I kissed Evan on the forehead and said I'd be there in the morning, even though he couldn't exactly hear me.

I politely thanked Mr. and Mrs. Peters for everything, and walked into my room.

Only to find my ex boyfriend, Levi.

AUTHORS NOTE: I'm aware that Evan's parents' names aren't actually Beth and John. I made it up for the sake of the story. :) and if nobody remembers who Levi is, he is Aurora's ex boyfriend. Go back to Chapter 1 to find out more. Xoxo

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