"Shiya! They are in their own bubble invissible to us all." Poyy said,

"Whipped!" Cooper said shcoked.

"Since yesterday" Joong said.

"Hey, hey, we ate all heee." Nine poked us both.

"What?" I asked.
"We see and hear you" Pavel said.

"For the first time in history, Dome failed his quiz. Since fresheman this is the very first time he gpfailed in any quiz." Mark said.

"We are all shocked" Gun said,

"The most shocking is, he is not frustrated about it?" Poyy said in wonder. They all looked ta us.

"Aw" Pavel said looking at me.

He tapped my back.

"I am fine." I said.

He then kiss my head and i closed my eyes.

Pavel pulled me and hugg me he covered me. I saw tissues and vegetables and biys of foods thrown at us.

Then he checked my vlothes if still clean.

"Guys cut it" he roared.

The enginners sat up staright and my friends just shook their heads.

I laughed.

"Seriously guys" i asked.

"We all need to loosen up." I said.

"I did not faik in purpose i just chose a night withoit books." I said under the table holding Pavel's hand.

"Well it kinda frustrating a litle but no regrets. Atkeast i had a night of fun." I said and continued eating.

"No guys you two are different today." Cooper said.

"Because you guys are used to see us bickering and fighting or not agreeing to each other or annoying each other? Before?" I asked.

"Because we where not dating those days." Pavel said.

I smiled at them all.

"Just eat up an, we have less time," Pavel said.

They eat but my phone bblinked.
Shit i need to see a rrsehman,

"Pick me up at the dorm later na." I said to Pavel And pecked on his lips.

I get my bag and stand up.

"I forget i need to see a freshman," i said and grabbed my phone from the table and walked away.

The freshman arranged the video report of doctors and engineers about the medical mission, drung semestral break.

He gave me everything and i paid him.

I opened my laptop and plugged the flashdrive in.
Just the way i wanted it.

I smirked and i am satisfied.

My frineds abd classmates came.

The professor also came.

Then i connected my laptop to the pojector and stated my report.

Because i have watched the raw pics of it i know how to report it.
Then i send my friends their photos. And stollen shots. Andcouple moments.

Uncle Shulk dauther gave it also to me.

In two weeks it would be Benjamin's Project.

After our last vlass i drive to my dorm and packed some clothes.
And also my uniform.
I changed my clothes and washed my uniform.

At 6pm knock on my door.

Pavel entered and hugged me.
He kiicked the door and closed.

He kissed my nape and his hands rolled inside my shirt.

I leaned my head on him as he plays both my nips,

"Babe..." i mouthed.

He pinched my nips both.

It hurts but gave me aroused me.

"Ouch" i moaned.

"Who's babe?" He asked.

I hold on his head after he speak he sucked behind earlobe

"Love.,, " i mouthed.

"Who is the freshman, your friends does not know about him or her." He bit me.

I laughed a bit and moved to face him.
But i can't.

"Tell me first" he said.

"I asked favor drom him, he is good at editing and i asked him to edit the medical mission report. Just that" i said.

"Can i see it?" He asked

I nooded.

Then i twist my body and face him  ipulked him and kiss his lips.

"Can i stay with you tonight?" I asked.

He looked at me.

"I do not have quiz tomorrow" i said.

"Then let us grab dinner first." He said.

I get my two bags. He gat my backpack and i am holding my school bag.

"Where ate you yaking Dome?" Poyy asked we him at the lobby.

"Gonna take him home wiyh me na." Pavel said.

I just smiled and Pavel pulled my waist.

To the exit.

We ride his car.

We get dome food.

And when we reached his apartment.
I showed him his flashdrive.

He hugs me while we are watchimg it.

His phone lands near mine both our phone blinks we paused what we are watching. 

I smiled seeing his wall paper. And he also saw my wall paper.

We both laughed,

His is the picture when we are both smilling. Mine is the same picture but taken from our back.

Mom texyed me.

Come home weekend.

"I need to ho home week end," he said.

"Me too" i said.

We lolked at each other.

"Love, ca... can you stand living with me?" I asked.

He hovered over me.

"Yes please." He groaned.

"I... i.. asked.,, mom.., if i can.. but i ma nergourps of their respond," i said.

He fully hovered over me.

"Then let's domit sefrtly till weekend," he said.

He bite the hem of shirt lifting it up.

"Hey, wait na,., we have to finish watching your report." I said.

He pecked on my lips and sit again.

We watched their report.

Then we started to study. On our own.

Untill one stpmach sounded.

We laughed and reheat our food.

We kiss.
We eat.
We study.

If it would be like this and nog like last night.
I think i can live with him.

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