Chapter Nine • Pancakes

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Thea's POV

After the day I had I couldn't convince myself the next morning to even get out of bed. I wanted to face Kai, but I didn't want to at the same time. Everything had changed, not only had he but I'd also changed. I was growing into this woman that I couldn't recognise any more, I remember being able to use magic, now just like him I was the shell of a person I once knew. I guess we are more similar than we thought...

I tossed and turned in bed as the dry tears on my cheek started to hurt. The bed I laid in was much lumpier than I remember and I laughed thinking of how Damon told me he couldn't sleep for days on end because of these beds. Of course I never believed him, but now I'm here and in one of the many beds of the boarding house I totally one hundred percent agree with him. I sat up looking at the door of my bedroom in thought. 

'you can do this Thea' I thought as I got up from the bed. As I did I stumbled a little as I was still caught up in the scratchy blankets. 

"I've gotta change that" Without thinking I ripped the blankets from my bed walked out of my bedroom and flung them from the banister. I don't know what had come over me, but to actually do something that came to mind was like a relief. 

"What the hell was that?" I heard Kai voice echo in the hallways as I looked down to see him stare at the pile of blankets. 

"They were scratchy so I threw them off the a problem with that" he looked up at me curiously as I leaned on the banister starring down at him. Somehow over night my voice had gone from panicked and chirpy like I used to be to monotone and boring. I don't know why but since I've woken up there this void inside of me. I partially blame Kai. Because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be stuck here, but then again I feel sorry for him. Being stuck in a prison world for eighteen years must be tough. We both stared at each other for a moment before Kai looked away awkwardly. 

"You want pancakes?" Kai asked as he looked back over at the blankets. 

"Sure.." I went back to my room only to realise I had nothing to change into. So I wondered through the house until I made my way to Stefans room. Inside I came across his closet and picked out a singlet of his a flannel and the smallest pair of jeans I could find. Though it didn't really work when I tried them on and they fell down. "Well I guess its overalls again" I spritzed them with Stefans cologne and made my way down to the kitchen to see Kai whistling to himself as he happily cooked. I hesitantly sat down at the counter of the kitchen and Kai looked up at me with a shy smile. 

"It's nice to have someone here. you don't know how lonely it gets..." I snorted in laughter and Kai's expression darkened. 

"Sorry.. Maybe I'm mistaken.. I don't think I choose to be here. You did grab my by the throat.." I pointed at him. Kai dropped the spatular that was in his hand and by the look on his face it seemed as if he was about to explode. 

"Well I'm sorry for being desperate okay, you'd do the same thing if you were stuck in a prison world for over eighteen years, and I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was you.. but then again you did Motus me across the room twice. So I guess you fucking deserve it" Kai's voice got louder and louder as he spoke. He slammed the plate down in front of me and walked away leaving me alone to the pancakes he made. I looked down at the pancakes and hesitantly took a bite out of it. 

They were delicious I've got to admit, but now I feel kind of guilty for eating them. No I feel guilty for being a bitch. I took another bite and left the rest to go check on Kai. I wondered the house and he was no were in sight. It was then that I heard shouting and smashing of things down in the basement. I wondered down the steps, I'd always been kind of scared of the basement. But it was more that it reminded me of the Shed. The one place both Kai and I hated the most. I slowly made it down the steps and turned the corner to see Kai throwing Radom pieces of junk here and there. 

"Kai?" He stopped momentarily and looked at me with that same dark expression he had when he didn't know it was me. It's hard to think I boy that was so nice to me was like this. 

"What are you doing down here Thea.. just go upstairs.." I took a step towards him as he stepped back. 

"I mean it Thea.. " As I got closer and closer it was like I could almost here the thundering of his heart as it jumped out of his chest. 

"Kai.. what are you doing?" before I could react Kai had me pinned against the wall looking me in the eyes with anger. 

"I told you to go upstairs yet you ignore me Little bird" Red flags went up as he called me little bird. 

"Don't call me that" I spat as I un pinned myself and slammed him against the opposite wall. He smirked down at me as I had my arm pinned on his throat. 

"What you gonna do about it Little bird"  Without a second thought I brought my fist up and slammed him square in the face. 

"Fuck you Kai..." I rushed off back up stairs and as I ran to my room I heard the faint shouts of Kai as he called for me. 

"Thea.. Thea I didn't mean it.. fuck. fuck sakes" I slammed my door without a second thought and turned all the lights off shutting the blinds and crawled under the sheets. One of the many mechanism, I did it when my mind went to dark places. I wanted be be alone and this made me feel at piece in some weird way. 

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