Chapter Twenty Nine • Threatening the siblings

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Thea's POV - Unedited.

I gasped sitting up and noticed I was back were I started, in my bed in agonising pain having trouble sitting up. I pushed myself out of bed, and picked up my phone Kai had put on the night stand and rushed off out of the apartment. But I stopped though as I saw Joshua Parkers looming figure again, he stood shimmering in the sunlight. 

'His threatening them Little bird and it's entirely your fault' I screamed out as Joshua somehow flicked my body down the hallway. I landed roughly on the floor against one of the dorm doors. But none the less got up and continued on my journey out of this place. His father wasn't going to stop me, and he never will. I heard him torment me in whispers as I made it out of the dorms. I eventually made it Damon's car which he had not come and claimed back yet. I rushed off to Mystic falls knowing he was there. Funnily enough I feel somehow connected. So I knew somehow where he was. Plus I do remember vaguely from Alaric's story that he had a show down sucking up the magical border along Mystic falls. I rushed the the cemetery and got out to see Elena and Damon fighting and worried. They spotted me and I could see the relief wash over Damon's face. 

"Thank god your here, your demonic crazy sociopath friend is looking ready about to kill someone.." I groaned rushing off past the two further into the cemetery. I noticed candles alight, and I rushed over to see Kai threatening his sister.. well actually he stabbed her but none the less I was angry. 

"Malakai Parker.. you put down that knife or you'll regret it" He stopped dropping the knife. Liv and Jo stood back with wide eyes but Luke just looked confused and angry. 

"Thea.. hey um how the hell are you awake right now.." My eyes widened in anger. 

"How am I awake, maybe you didn't syringe me enough with a sedative.. I told you no kill, yet you look like you try and kill" I pointed at Jo who was in Liv's grip. 

"I.." he looked lost for word. "I did it for you" I almost laughed. 

"Kai, honey you hardly have any emotions. You're telling me you're doing this all for me. I beg to differ, I know you. I know you wanted to take over the coven to kill your father. But this is not how we do it" I gritted my teeth as I stared Kai he looked away as he thought about what I said.

"What?! Kill our father, are you crazy Thea.. what are you guys talking about" I pointed at Luke as I stared at Kai. 

"exactly what I'm sick of right about now.. if only people knew about your father's crazy chaotic side I'd be able to maybe take a proper vacation with real people around me" I threw my hands in the air as I sighed to myself. 

"Okay.. I have no idea what's going on, why the hell are we talking about dad and okay with killing him. Liv? I see the agreeable look on your face. What's happening right now!" I glanced to see Liv stumble for words and Jo just sat their upset and confused. I turned walking right up to Luke. 

"You better hold yourself up this might sting a little" I smiled, before Luke could react I touched his forehead and he dropped to the ground whimpering in pain. But he gasped looking dazed, upset and angry. 

"What the hell was that?" He stumbled from the ground and I looked over to see Kai grabbing his jaw in contemplation as he thought. 

"Well my darling Luke, that's just a snippet of the things he did not only to me but your brother.. you wonder why Kai wants to kill his entire family.. you all seemed to support the one man who ruined his life and my own" I felt myself becoming angry. But it soon faded when somebodies hands touched my arms. I looked over to see Kai giving me the 'calm down look.' I sighed touching his hand to let him know I'm okay. 

"He wouldn't do that.. His our father" Luke looked at Liv for support but she looked away from Luke as did Jo. "You've brainwash them haven't you" Luke came at me suddenly grabbing my shirt in his hands. I heard Kai growl as he pushed Luke away and off of me. I scoffed looking at the angered Luke. 

"Why would I waste my time brain washing them when I would tell the truth.. you want to know my connection to you all" Luke watched me curiously as everyone became silent. "I was once friends with your family. Well my family was, they went by the last name Evermore" You could see the realisation set in on Jo's face. 

"What? you can't be her" Luke swallowed. 

"what the little girl your father tortured, blamed, made think it was my fault my father went crazy and killed his family on the same night Kai did to his. Because I can tell you, he took my he tortured me, blamed me and left me with irreversible damage Luke. I still live with the scars everyday, the thin white lines littering my back reminding me of him.. but no he didn't stop there, as soon as I made a connection to Kai again. He came after me, he managed to somehow draw power into the prison world and torment me, hurt me again and again.. so riddle me this. Why would you think his innocent? I have the memories, I have the scars.. But I sense you don't want to believe that your father figure is a torturer" I stood tall as everyone else maintain silent. 


"I..I..I what! I'm down with people who don't believe me, I don't need this not anymore. I spent thirteen years alone in a prison world, because your father came after Kai time and time again and then got himself killed and then his entire coven. Because he though Kai was a threat, maybe if you'd just teated him like everyone else, maybe Kai wouldn't be a devoid sociopath" Kai groaned. 

"Loveable Sociopath get it right booger" I swatted Kai as he laughed at me. 

"Not the time Kai" I glanced over to see Luke sigh. 

"I believe you.. I just I don't want to think about him that way" I brought my finger tips to my head thinking of what to do now. I had to figure out what we were going to do, because either Kai or Jo had to take over the coven. But I had a feeling she would want nothing to do with the coven after we're done with it. 

"No one wants to see their father like that" I distinctly remember the image of my father the lat time I saw him, and it still haunted me to this day. 

"I..I'm sorry Thea, Now I get why you never wanted to speak about family .." I chuckled. 

"Well not that family. But I have one, one that loves me and is dysfunctional. But they love me no matter what.. I even have that sociopath behind me pulling face" Kai's breath hitched. 

"How'd you know.."I rolled my eyes. 

"Shut it Kai.. Like I was saying you don't want to see your father that way, but I guess not everything is what it seems to be.. better question yet is how are we going to do the merge without killing the other, because no you're not killing your sister." I pointed at Kai and looked at him as he sighed. 

"Well at least I got to stab out her spleen"  I looked over with my mouth open. 

"I swear to god I'm going to tie you to a bed for two weeks if you don't shut up" He smiled again. 

"Hmm kinky just the way I like it" 

"Hmm kinky just the way I like it" 

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