Chapter Thirty Nine - Her first time

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Thea's POV - Unedited

I was in a slump, a huge one. Not only did I spend the next day sitting on the couch in contemplation, Kai also kept asking me over and over what he could do.. To which I pushed him out of the house quite aggressively and told him to go and figure out his problems with the coven. It made me jittery to think my sister could be still alive, it made me feel like I was going crazy. Even more crazy than being stuck in a prison world. I needed to figure this out, but I just didn't know how. 

I screamed slamming my hand against my head trying to think about it when I knew I needed to do something. Kai walked in as I cleaned up the glass on the floor and I heard him sighed, somehow in the middle of my breakdown I broke a few glasses with my scream. 

"Babe.. Let's do something about this. I can't have you feeling like this if you don't know the truth okay.. Let's go and find her, see if it is her.." I got up from the floor putting down the dustpan and brush wrapping my arms around Kai. I didn't say anything but Kai knew I was just so overwhelmed. 

"Can we have a movie night.. with your famous pasta and snacks" I whispered. I looked up still wrapped in his arms and he looked down with a small smirk. 

"oh course my lady.. I'll cook dinner, you make the snacks and choose the movie.. yeah"I nodded happily and we both joined each other in the kitchen he made the pasta whilst I made the snacks. Also I choose one of my favourite movies Resident evil, I popped it in as I set up the snacks and Kai came in holding two piping hot bowls of pesto pasta. I grabbed one of them happily from him and we sat down next to each other. A moment of silence passed both of us and I looked over at him with a smile. 

"you know you're way to good for me...." Kai laughed slurping some pasta into his mouth. 

"Not to long ago you were screaming at me and motusing my body across a bar" I giggled rolling my eyes at Kai. 

"To be fair, I was coming down from a high of time traveling and still was holding a grudge of you leaving me in a prison world for thirteen years.." I spoke as I pointed my fork at him. He mocked me as he flicked a piece of pasta at me. I gasped as it slid down my face. "oh it's on like donkey kong bitch.." I placed down my bowl slowly as I looked at him and smiled. 

"That look does not give me good feelings" Kai smiled awkwardly as he placed his own bowl down. "Ten seconds" My eyes narrowed. 

"Five.. Four" He stumbled from the couch as the smiled disappeared and a small look of fear reached his face. "Three.. Two" I got up slowly from the couch as I made my way around it. "One!" I took off after him as he ran down the hall. I chased him through the house, but as I turned the corner he was gone. "Kai.. Where are you." he couldn't of gone anywhere, it was impossible to disappear unless. Suddenly his hands wrapped around me and I twirled around in his arms as he smiled mischievously at me. 

"Got you.." A pout reached my lips. 

"I was meant to get you.." my lip quivered, but it was soon wiped off my face as Kai went in for the tickle. My legs went limp and I burst out in laughter. "Kai.. Stop, oh god. Stop that tickles" I giggled as he lifted me up into his arms. My legs wrapped around his waist and before he could react I pulled his face towards me and our lips touched. I let out a audible moan as we continued to kiss, but Kai pulled away. 

"Thea.. If you continue I'm not going to be able to stop myself" I sighed knowing I wanted this. I loved Kai, I wanted him.. I wanted all of him. It was like an incline in my body. 

"Then don't" His eyes widened, kind of shocked at my straight forwardness. 

"Are you sure.." I rolled my eyes shaking my head. 

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