Chapter 24- Glistening Eyes

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Atsushi, Rampo, Kenji, Doppo, Junichiro, Akiko, and Dazai all had one thing in common with each other at the moment. Their glistening eyes gazed upon a horrible sight that caused fear to shiver down their spines.

"We have no need for plans. We are simply awaiting further instructions. Until then, we have this dollface to keep us company until the Agency or Port Mafia are chirping like starving baby birds." (Y/n) trembled in the arms of a man that wasn't known to her personally, but she had seen his face before.

This broad and blonde man was the leader of an organization called Zapallic. A year after her escape from the Port Mafia and when the bounty on her return was high, (Y/n) came across this cruel man. She managed to escape that day and from the use of her ability, he received a scar on his chin. However, it was now covered by thick and unkempt facial hair.

His arm was cast around (Y/n)'s waist in an uncomfortable way. Her legs were bounded by rope and duck-tape, her mouth was gagged with an awful tasting cloth, and her hands were completely wrapped in tape. Not even a tip of her finger was exposed. In no way could (Y/n) use her ability, and right now she felt completely helpless.

"You tried," the middle-aged man said. He grinned towards (Y/n) as he scooted closer to her on the bulky leather sofa. "We could sell you to the guild and get access to their property. Or we c-." (Y/n) slammed her forehead against the man's head before trying to wiggle out of the tape. She was trying using her nail to poke a hole through as well. "You bitch!" the leader screamed. He shoved her onto the cold cement, then used her as a footrest as he leaned back on the couch and massaged his head. "You are still trying to put up a fight, huh?"

(Y/n) panted and whimpered as she struggled to lift herself off the ground. Her cheek was pressed onto the dirty floor and she couldn't find the strength to get up. This man had to weigh ninety pounds in each of his legs in order for her not to even budge. "Relax," the man said to his followers. Three men that stood by the door all had their guns pointing towards (Y/n). "This bitch is where she belongs. Even with Port Mafia blood pumping through your veins, you're still a low life failure."

"T-they took her," choked the café owner. The elderly man was slouching against the door that led to the bathroom of the coffee house. He was gripping onto his finger for his nail had to been ripped out with a pair of pliers. The old man was also trembling and he had wounds that resembled him too putting up a good fight. Dazai was the first to approach the café owner. He crouched down beside him and picked pieces of broken glass off the man's black slacks. "Took her? (Y/n)?" Osamu asked. "The woman we are always here with?"

The man nodded as his eyes squinted around the café. He was injured, but not to the point of near-death. He was having trouble breathing though, so his words slowly slurred from his chapped lips. "T-they called her valuable. She seemed to have known him too." Dazai hummed as he looked towards the rest of the Agency. He noticed the disappointment and confusion on their faces as they looked around the café. "Do you know which way they took her?" Rampo butted in. "If we know which direction then." "The city security cameras could help us identify who is responsible for all this," Doppo interrupted. Rampo sighed as he crossed his arms. "What he said."

Osamu waited for an answer, and after the elderly man pointed towards the left of the city, he stood up and faced his fellow friends. "Akiko, help him with his injuries. The rest of you, we are going to the Agency." "But what about our president's orders?" Kenji butted in. Dazai scoffed as he glared to the ground. "An exception has been made. She is one of us and more. Now let's go. We'll send in a team to get this place cleaned up."

(Y/n) glistening eyes started to swell with tears as she continued to be used as a footrest. She couldn't stop budging and fidgeting though, and each time the man had an issue he would slam the heel of his boot against her spine. All she could think about was Dazai bursting through that door and saving her. Like he always had. In any situation, Osamu was there for her.

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