Chapter 8- Opportunity

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The Armed Detective Agency was a large, four-story building located in the lively part of Yokohama. It wasn't like the Port Mafia's headquarters, and it didn't give off an uneasy vibe either. In all honesty, the red-brick structure looked cozy and inviting, and sorta like a cheaper apartment complex too. Although, it seemed the third floor was vacant due to the three smashed windows on the front of the building.

Also for the interior of the agency, the appearance of it had more of a 1930's art-deco design. The building was in the middle of a transitional neighborhood, where the famous Motomachi Shopping Street had people walking up and down. Since it was beginning to get late, the tall lamps above only glowed up a path for the four on the right side of the street, while the left did the same for few shop owners, who were closing their businesses for the night.

Once inside the agency, a cold rush of air blew against (Y/n)'s cheeks as Dazai carried her up a flight of old stairs. The lobby of the building looked abandoned and sketchy due to it's broken elevator and dusty, sea-green tile walls. A bit of embarrassment colored her face as this was happening, and she only became more flustered once Doppo and Atsushi opened up the door on the second floor.

If this was the office of the Armed Detective Agency, then it appeared to be like a living room with multiple desks scattered around the glossy, deep green tile floor. It had one door and four shiny windows on three of the four walls. In the middle of the office, there was a light-green sofa with a wooden coffee table in front of it. Since this space has a woman's touch to it, there was constantly a vase of fresh flowers and fashion magazines on the table. Other than those minor details, the desks were pushed together to make three large and square tables in nearly every corner of the room.

Since (Y/n) was here at the agency, she figured she could have this opportunity to confront the leader about Atsushi. Although, that was going to have to wait. Once in the main office, Dazai rested (Y/n) carefully and slowly on the sofa. "Do you have any injuries Miss (Y/n)?" Doppo asked. He went to his desk and placed down his notebook, then looked back at the guest with a stern face. "I would like to say that I'm fine," she mumbled.

Atsushi remained behind the couch. He wasn't trying to peer over (Y/n)'s shoulder, but there wasn't a doubt that he had overwhelming questions to ask her. "Um, why is the Port Mafia after you?" the boy asked quietly. Even though he was the White Tiger and responsible for many crimes, he seemed skittish. There was a bit of silence as (Y/n) leaned up. She gripped her side softly and moaned in pain before giving Dazai a glance. The two only ended up connecting a gaze, until she broke it by sighing. "I was apart of the Port Mafia. In fact, the infamous granddaughter of a former boss," (Y/n) stated.

This wasn't the first time where she had to explain about the Port Mafia. Although, it seemed like Dazai didn't mention his past to anyone. It was clear in his eyes that he was trying to signal to (Y/n) to not bring up any more connections. "Lift up your shirt," Dazai said quickly. The topic was shifted from seriousness into unsureness in a matter of seconds, and everyone in the room gave him the same expression. "Excuse me?" (Y/n) questioned. Atsushi's cheeks tinted a cherry-red as he placed his hands over his eyes. Doppo only sighed and pushed up his glasses as he shook his head. "Your side is bruised. You also have a wound there. Do you want to tend to that?" he groaned.

(Y/n) was partially flustered, but she puffed through her nose and untucked her (f/c) shirt from her black pants. On her lower rib, there was indeed a large bruise, but the minor cut wasn't oozing blood. "Doctor Dazai here to assist you," Osamu smirked. Without a second thought, (Y/n) lowered her shirt while snaring towards Dazai. "I'm fine. I felt much worse before," she breathed. Unfortunately, when (Y/n) tried to get to her feet, she felt her knees throb weakly. Not to mention when she took in a deep breath, her side ached with sharp pain. "No, you must sit down," Atsushi said quickly.

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