Chapter 5- It All Traced Back To Dazai

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Present-day, two weeks after the Armed Detective Agency apprehended the White Tiger into their own hands. Unfortunately, in the end, it all traced back to Dazai.

As the saying goes, people don't mean one another by accident for there is always a reason why we cross paths with someone. (Y/n) hated Osamu, and that made him more important than ever in this case. There was no doubt that as the years went by, she regretted the things she screamed at him out of frustration and grief. Thankfully, Dazai didn't take her seriously. Well, as far as she knew.

Like all the other days, today the city of Yokohama was just as busy and packed as ever. It was the lunch rush after all, and what better way to scope out the citizens rather than waiting patiently in a café. Yum Yum's Coffee House served (Y/n) a cup of cold-brew, black tea, and multiple glazed donuts. As she enjoyed her late-morning snack in front of the shop, she constantly refused to compare passing people.

Without a doubt, (Y/n) would recognize Dazai. Even after all these years have passed, she would know the look in his eyes when they meet. Maybe Osamu wouldn't recognize her? It's been five years, and looking the same wasn't much of a self-made decision. Hardly anything stayed the same after a year. Like this coffee shop for example.

Previously, Yum Yum's location was that of an old deli-shop owned by an elderly man, who passed away seven years ago. A year after his death, this popular eatery became the place it was today. Yum's wasn't some cliché shop someone would automatically choose for a meetup. No, the design and the uniqueness of this building even attracted (Y/n).

For example, the menu of the coffee and snack bar was constructed around espresso-based drinks such as mochas, cappuccinos, and even teas. By that, the delivery counter was in a full circle in the middle of the large in width store. A large menu hung from cables above the counter and connected to the sparkly white ceiling. In fact, it was the first eye-catcher customers saw when they walked into Yum's. The menu even offered free books and magazines that consumers can read inside the coffee shop as they enjoyed their meal.

The property was located in a commercial area within a walking distance from the main part of town (Y/n) lived in. Even though she was apart of the Risen Rebels, it didn't mean she couldn't live in a suitable apartment on the beautiful side of Yokohama. Yum's had it all for her. Peace, great food, reasonable privacy. All of it was just as extraordinary as the decor of the café.

The coffee bar had sleek, white marble, and clean interior design with modern, birch wooden furniture, such as tables, chairs, and benches. Not to forget that the clear and giant main window displayed advertisements and was able to allow people passing by to witness customers enjoying their time inside.

Yum's Coffee House was perfect. It felt like an escape to reality to her until she finally noticed a certain tall and slim male made his way across the main highway ahead of her. He didn't even stop for traffic, and that only proved to (Y/n) that he was the man she was in search of.

It all traced back to Osamu Dazai, who was enjoying his afternoon walk of goofing off from his original task. After having an unfair debate with his partner, Doppo, he left the scene with a silent goodbye. (Y/n) took in a deep sigh and one last gulp of her black tea before quickly rushing out the glass doors of Yum's. The thin heel's of her knee-high, black combat boots clicked quickly across the white-tile floor, then down the cracked concrete sidewalk.

Following Dazai was (Y/n) the only alternative right now. She wasn't going to make a scene in the middle of Yokohama, and plus she had to keep her cover on the low due to the Port Mafia still being locked on her capture. There were many thoughts running through (Y/n)'s mind, like questions on where Dazai was going, what she was going to say to him, how was she going to approach him, and why did the White Tiger have to be under his watch.

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