Chapter 14

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  ~*Liam’s Point Of View*~

     I hear a loud scream from inside the house, I quickly run into every room. Finally hitting Eleanor’s room, I see her body motionless laying on the ground.

“L-Louis?” I yell weakly.

No response.

“Louis!?” I yell again weakly.

No response.

I run over to her, and pick her up. I whisper, “Please, don’t die.” In her ear, and kiss her cheek.

I’m gonna be honest, I’ve developed feelings for her, and she’s clicked well with Danielle, and Louis’ girlfriend, Eleanor. She’s clicked so well with all of us, minus Zayn, that I’ve fallen for her. Whoever hurt her will get beaten by me, and Louis.

“Liam?” She says hoarsely.

I look down at her, and whisper, “What?”

She gulps, and closes her eyes, “Don’t make me go outside, by anyone, especially Zayn,”

“I won’t,”

She lets her body go motionless, and falls into a sleep. I hope.

~*Eleanor’s Point Of View*~

     White lights, that is all I see. White.

“Is she waking up?” Someone says.

“I think so,” Another one says.

My eyes start to slightly twitch, and open. I’m greeted with Liam and Louis.

“ELLLLL!” Liam yells, barreling towards me.

I cover my ears, and wince.

“Sorry,” He murmers.

“It’s fine.” I quietly say.

“How are you feeling?” My brother asks.

“Horrible, Zayn hurt me really badly,”

Louis tenses up, as does Liam.

Wait, Liam tensed up.

Does Liam like me?

~*Louis’ Point Of View*~

     If Liam touches my sister, I will cut him. He might not have hurt Eleanor, but no one can be trusted. Zayn’s being a douche, and hurting my sister like that? How can I trust him learning lyrics, he might rip those. Let alone myself. I can barley let myself go by Eleanor, she’s so fragile right now, if anyone touches her she could break, snap, like a twig. I love my little sister too much for so much pain. I hope no one else hurts her, NO ONE.

~*Author’s note*~

I’m sorry that it’s short, and crappy. I feel really horrible, my ankle isn’t getting better and I have to go to physical therapy for it. Stupid balance exercises.

ANYWAY, I was thinking that YES she might end up with LIAM, or ZAYN might find a way to win her love back. I don’t know, honestly it’s your choice. For me to update a good update I need 10 reads, and 2 votes. Yeah, votes. If I don’t get votes, no update. Got it? I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but I only seem to get about 30 reads, and I really want more. Bad story, or not.

From Worse, To Better- A Zayn Malik FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora