Chapter 22 - Following a lead

Start from the beginning

"I'll catch ya out there."' Hawks said as he flew off giving me a wave.

I walked into my office and was surprised at who I saw.

"Dani? Why are you here? You have the week off?" I asked as I walked into the office.

"I'm fine got the all clear from the hospital! And I'm here because the works studies student from UA starts today." She smiled at me knowing I had completely forgotten.

"Work studies?" I questioned her.

"You don't remember? The teachers at UA reached out and asked if you could take a student for work studies. He's just arrived now." Dani cheerfully reminded you.

Just as Dani finished one of the sidekicks knocked and opened the door to your office. A young boy was standing there with a grin on his face.

"Denki Kaminari is here to see you."

That's right! This was the kid that could manipulate electricity too. Now it's coming back to me.

"Hey nice to meet cha, I'm Electra and this is Aqua." I say pointing us out. "What's your hero name kid?"

"I'm Chargebolt." He said filled with confidence.

"Nice! So today we will just be patrolling. Actually I need to follow something up at another agency so we will be heading out soon." I said walking behind my desk and sitting in front of the computer.

Dani began to explain what was required on a patrol and more details about where we were going.

"We are ready when you are!" Dani cheerfully said. "What are you looking up anyway?"

"So last night I bumped into this kid and muscular should have written him up. I need to speak to the kid." I said as I was clicking through the police reports.

"Hmm that's odd, he never put him in the system." I said out loud.

"Is that unusual?" Chargebolt asked.

"Depends what the kid did." Dani said. "If it was just loitering they may not have."

"He was planning to rob someone with a knife." I said still scrolling through the reports.

"Really?" Dani questioned. "When was this?"

"Last night." I said looking at the times, he defiantly wasn't there.

"Wait what time was this?" Dani asked.

"Umm around 3am I think." I said printing the list of reports of arrests last night.

"3am? What the hell are you doing out at 3am?!" She yelled at me.

Chargebolt was awkwardly standing there through this whole conversation quietly shuffling his feet.

"Okay I'm ready let's go!" I said completely ignoring Dani's question.

"Where are we patrolling today?" Chargebolt asked.

"It's all pretty local, we just need to make a stop over to the muscular agency first." I said giving him a wink like he knew why we were going. "I guess we'll just walk it's only a few blocks over." I said quickly walking ahead.

Dani swiftly follows "You better keep close, she gets sidetracked pretty easy these days." Dani said to Chargebolt as he quickly shuffled along behind us.

We quickly arrive at muscular's agency thanks to some speed walking. Chargebolt was almost out of breath when we walked through the door.

"Omg it's Electra!" We heard some of the sidekicks yell out.

"Hey there!" I said to the receptionist. "Looking for muscular, is he still working or is he off for the day."

"Oh he's actually still here let me bring him down." She said quickly making a phone call.

"Is it illegal to not write someone up? Is this muscular guy in trouble?" Chargebolt asked.

"No, it's not illegal but it depends what trouble they cause. But if Electra said he should have been written up then he probably should have been." Dani answered.

A few moments later muscular appears and greats you all.

"Electra good to see you again, and Aqua. Oh and you must be a works studies kid?" He asked.

Chargebolt nodded.

"How can I help ya?" He casually asked.

"That kid form last night, you never wrote him up?" I asked sternly.

"Oh that kid, I feel like he couldn't catch a break so I just let him off with a warning." He said casually.

"Right, well did you at least get his details? I wanna ask him some follow up questions about last night." I asked just as stern as before.

"Nah don't think I did." He said giving me a slight grin.

"Weird I could have sworn I heard him talk to you about the liberation army. And if you ask me that would be someone I would want to be keeping tabs on." I said narrowing my gaze. He was defiantly picking up what I was putting down.

He looked at me in shock then an evil looking smile slowly grew across his face. "Hmm I can't really recall. If I remember anything I'll be sure to let you know."

I waved to Dani and chargebolt to signal our exit. "Lets go guys."

Once we are outside I let out a big sigh. "Well that was a waste of time." I say as we start walking away.

"Wait Electra." Muscular called as he ran up behind us. As I turned around he grabbed my arm and pulled it close to him.

"I would watch my back if I were you. Your poking your nose in where it doesn't belong." He said under his breath so only I heard.

Dani and Chargebolt turned around to face us.

"Are you threatening me?" I asked aloud for everyone to hear.

We are mid way through our staring competition when Hawks appears pulling musculars hand off mine.

"Now is that anyway to talk to a pretty lady?" Hawks chuckled.

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