Chapter 13

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Camila's P.O.V.

I opened the door and lone and behold my ex.

"What are you doing here ?"I ask frowning.

"I was told about your daughters birthday and decided to come ,"She says and the look on her face made me want to slam the door. She had that arrogant smirk that irritated me.

"Well sorry but this is a party for family and friends and I didn't send an invite to you so obviously you weren't invited ,"I say through gritted teeth.

She was about to respond when I heard my baby girl.

"Mama lets play pwease,"Ania runs towards me making me soften my expression at the sight of my daughter. I pick her up and Y/n was a few steps behind her. I've told Y/n of my past so she knows about every single thing. And she's seen the pictures of Lauren so she knows how she looks.

"Oh hello you must be Lauren, I'm Y/n nice to meet you," She says shyly extending her hand to shake hers.

Lauren returns her greeting a little stunned I guess she didn't expect Y/n to be as beautiful as she is but that alone made me happy because she literally has zero chances at even trying to bring any negativity into our lives.

Y/n lets go of the uncomfortable long handshake and turns her attention to Ania and I.

"Love the foods done lets go eat and then you can play with Ania,"She says and places a loving kiss to my cheek.

"Please Come in Lauren,"She says to lauren gesturing for her to come in and closing the door. As much as I hate the fact she's here I'm not gonna make a scene and ruin my baby's birthday. So I just take Y/n's hand while I had Ania on my hip and led them to the dining room where every else was at Lauren following closely behind.

"Lets bless the table and then we can eat, Can I get everyone to stand for the blessing of our food,"She says getting everyones attention. Everyone stands up and look at her bow her head to start the prayer and everyone follows.

"In the name of the father and the sun and the holy spirit Amen she does the sign of the cross and we all follow,Bless us oh lord, And these thy gifts, which we are about to recieve from thy bounty through christ our lord Amen doing the sign of the cross again, Thank you everyone for coming and celebrating our baby's special day. I thank the lord everyday for blessing me with the amazing gift of motherhood and I will keep thanking him for the continued blessings he's given me I love you baby, Now please enjoy the food everyone,"Y/n says making us emotional at her little speech she kisses Ania's head and motions everyone to start getting there plates.

Everyone started to eat it was practically silent because everyone was enjoying their food. After a while we all gathered around the living room after we finished eating and started talking again.

Y/n and Ania close to my side not wanting to be far. Ania was opening some of the gifts she wanted to play with me helping of course. I love how kind hearted she is all the toys she opened she made the other kids play with as well. She's not like most little kids who never really like to share she mostly plays with them and then ignores it to get Y/n's attention which I love, especially if Y/n is trying to conversate a little with the adults she'd just excuse herself and give Ania 100% of her attention not like most parents who dismiss their kids. My parents watch them fondly and call for me.

"Excuse me love I'll be right back,"I tell her giving both her and Ania a kiss to the cheek making my way to my parents.

"Whats up?,"I ask looking at them with a raised brow. They both smile.

"We are just happy for you mija,Y/n is a respectable young woman and we couldn't ask for anyone better for you,"My father says lovingly and I couldn't help but smile back.

You're Someone Special  CamilaG!p/Y/N  Where stories live. Discover now