Chapter 14

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Two weeks later

Y/n's P.O.V.

Waking up every morning needing to throw up is not the highlight of my mornings. But having Camila hold my hair and rub my back whispering soothing words, kind of makes it worth it key word "kind of". I think I'm getting the bug or something because my body aches and just smelling the food I cook makes me nauseous even my boobs are tender. Camila is a worry wart and wont stop pestering me to go get checked and I keep telling her it'll pass. Ania is more clingy this past week which is not unusual but she literally won't let me use the restroom by myself. She is right now having a blast at her grandparents house. I mainly agreed to let her go because I didn't want her to get sick if this was the flu or something.

Here I am again after eating lunch stuck to the toilet spilling my guts out.

"Baby I really think you should go to the clinic and get checked out, this has been going on for awhile now and it's really starting to worry me,"Camila says her voice filled with concern.

"Fine I will if I still feel sick tomorrow if not then there is no need for it,"I tell her after flushing the toilet. I go to the sink and brush my teeth and especially my tongue to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth. Camila agrees looking at me with so much worry and concern and I can't help but give her a small smile for how caring she is. I would have given her a better smile but with me feeling like absolute shit thats all I could muster at the moment.

Camila is very attentive to mine and Ania's needs that sometimes I think our relationship is to good to be true there is no way someone can be this good as a lover and be a great mother to a child that has no relations to them. But everyday that passes and the longer we are together she's treated both Ania and I with so much love and respect that I know she's the second best blessing I've ever received Ania being the first of course.

With this whole sickness thing their has been a thought of me being pregnant with Camila's baby but I needed to get a test to be 100% sure.

"Umm love,"I say getting Camila's attention.

"Yes baby?,"She questions waiting patiently for me to say what I need to. I play with my fingers nervously and immediately Camila holds onto my hand rubbing her thumb across my knuckles soothingly.

"Uh,um do you think you can go to the store?"I ask hesitantly looking at our hands.

"What do you want me to buy beautiful,"She says and I blush at her compliment.

"Can you buy pre.NUTS,"I ask not sure wtf I just said.

"Do you mean peanuts?"Camila asks giggling at my obvious mispronounced word. I shook my head no.

"Baby you can ask me for anything,If tampons or kotex is what you need I'll get it for you,"Camila says half amused my eyes widen, thats when I realized I was late for my period. Damn how could I forget the one thing that literally makes me feel like crap every middle or ending of the month.

"NOO I shout embarrassed blushing dark red ,I dont need that I just panicked and said the first thing that came to mind, I need a pregnancy test baby I'm late,"I say getting a bit excited at the thought of having this amazing womans baby. Camila's eyes sparkled and got teary smiling that beautiful smile making me smile as well.

"Really?,"She asks a bit emotional.

"I'm not 100% sure but six tests should help us be,I kinda thought I might be from my excessive trips to the toilet but you bringing up my uh lady stuff made it more real for me I usually have it in the middle or ending of the months,"I tell her embarrassed I had to bring up mother natures joke to all females well all except Camila.

"I'LL GO GET IT NOW,"Camila shouts excitedly giving me a quick peck and bolting out of our room.

I smiled at how excited she was. I waited for a couple minutes since the store wasnt far and Camila bursts back in our room out of breath with a medium sized brown bag.

"I.Got.It,"She says inbetween breaths holding the brown bag out for me. I grab it and head to the restroom with Camila hot on my heels. I turn around and stop her from following me.

"Baby I love you so much, but you are not gonna watch me pee on the sticks I won't be able to pee with you in the room with me," I tell her amused at her obvious excitement.

"But.."She starts but I cut her off.

"NOPE,You either wait patiently for me to pee on the sticks or we can just go pick Ania up from your parents house and have you wait longer,"I say challenging her to test me with one eyebrow raised waiting for her to answer.

"Finnnee,"She whines her shoulders drop and she made her way to our bed looking like a sad puppy with her cute pout and arms crossed.

"It'll be over before you know it,And we wont be able to see the results until 10-15 minutes anyway so put your pout away love,"I tell her and close the door taking out the tests and start to do my buisness. After I finished I closed the caps and faced them all down on the counter I wiped pulled my pants back up and washed my hands. I opened the door to find Camila already waiting on the other side. She had a sheepish look and I glared at her.

"Really baby,You couldn't wait patiently on the bed until I called you in?,"I asked arms crossed eyebrows raised.

"Sorry love I'm just anxious to know and excited I dont know their are so many emotions right now did I say how much I love you because I do and...,"She rambles making me smile left without a choice I kissed her passionately making her shut up immediately. We both pulled away breathlessly our foreheads touching with huge smiles.

"I love you too baby so much,But calm down please,"I tell her grabbing her hand dragging her into the bathroom.

"You can do the honors love since you're impatient, but give it a few more minutes,"I tell her and she just stands there frozen staring at all six tests like our baby will magically appear on the sticks making me chuckle at her shocked state. We waited a good amount of time so I told her she can go ahead and check it.

She flipped the first one and because she got the digital test it could either say pregnant letting us know the weeks or it could say not pregnant. She looked at the test wide teary eyed and a watery smile. And then flips the rest making her jump and shout she picks me up and spins me around and thats never a good idea being nauseous and all.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT,I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE HAVING MY LITTLE BEAN YESYESYESYES,"She yells excitedly spinning me around placing kisses all over my face.I would've giggled and celebrated with her if I wasnt trying to keep whatever food I had down.

"Baby please stop I'm gonna be sick,"I tell her and she gently puts me down and I dive straight for the toilet.I flushed the toilet and I brushed my teeth again.

"Ania's gonna be a big sister,"Camila says with the biggest smile ever tears falling freely. I hug her and she hugs me back. We pull apart and she goes on her knees placing sweet kisses to my tummy and starts talking sweetly to my stomach.

"Hello little bean I just wanna say how much we love you already knowing your in there growing.I can't wait for you to finally be here in our arms so we can shower you with lots of hugs and kisses. You're gonna love your older sister just like she's gonna love you,"She says and I tear up at her sweet gesture to our unborn child. She gives my tummy one last kiss then hugs me by the waist. She looks up to see me tearing up and gets up off her knees giving me the most amazing passionate kiss we've ever shared. I know how much she loves me just by the simple kisses and innocent touches we share and I'm amazed every single time she adds more passion and love through our intimate loving gestures, I just love her so damn much.

"I guess this means we are seeing a doctor tomorrow,"She tells me with a happy tone and I roll my eyes.

"Yea yea we are,"I say with a giggle because of Camila's goofyness.

Another chapter yay its finally going somewhere. Thank you everyone who's voted and followed me you guys are awesome I can't wait to read the stories you come up with. I honestly love writting even if it can be a pain in my ass most days. But I love how we can create a story and even if its not real while we read along it feels as if it is. But anyway enough of my ramblings be safe everyone😘🦄🏳️‍🌈🦄🏳️‍🌈🦄🏳️‍🌈

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