Chapter 15

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The next day

Y/n's P.O.V.

Ugh I woke up to the feeling of my stomach twisting so I bolt up off the bed and rush to the restroom throwing up for what seems to be the millionth time. Camila rushes in after me and holds my hair back.

"Let it out love,"She says in a soft groggy tone from just waking up. I'm tearing up I hate feeling this gross. Being pregnant with Ania wasn't this bad and I was pregnant with twins sadly I couldn't carry both full term only one but I'm still thankful I was able to have my babygirl come out healthy.

"I hate this I never really had morning sickness with Ania, She made me crave for so many foods,I don't think this baby wants me to eat anything at all," I whine resting my head on the toilet after I flushed it holding my stomach. She chuckles a bit and I give her my best glare.

"I know love but I've read that this it natural for the first two weeks,"Camila says apologetically. Her educating herself on my pregnancy makes my heart warm making my eyes soften at her confession.

"Aww you read books on pregnancy that's so cute babe,"I say in as raspy voice from my throat being irritated from me throwing up.

"Well yea I grabbed two books along with the pregnancy tests yesterday,I wanted to understand more of what you're gonna go through during your pregnancy,"She says with a shrug of her shoulders. I pull her into me giving her a warm embrace thanking her. I never really had support with Ania throughout my whole pregnancy only after when I started college,so having her be my rock really makes me emotional well mostly I think its hormones but still I find it sweet. I let go and do my morning routine and get ready for the day.

Since our appointment was at 10am we still had enough time to relax since its only 6am. I put on matching sweats since its a bit chilly at the moment. I made my way to the kitchen to look for something to make for my loves and something that wont send me to the bathroom. I decided oatmeal and fruits would be ok for us all so thats what I made. I made mine with mangos and berries and some banana with oranges on the side. Then I made Ania's and Camila's adding more fruit with extra banana's since they love it.

After eating we got ready of course Ania and I have to match Camila also decided to join in her own way and I just wanted to drag her back in the room,"Okay wow, I've never had inappropriate thoughts before especially ones that make me all hott and bothered, lord please bless my new found nasty mind"I say to myself while fanning my now flustered face.(Ania and my outfit⬇️)

(Ania and my outfit⬇️)

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(Camila's Outfit⬇️)

"Mommy where we going?"Ania asks while I put her shoes on

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"Mommy where we going?"Ania asks while I put her shoes on.

"Well mommy needs to go to the doctor to get a check up,"I explain to my three year old.

"Cuz you feel icky?,"She asks with a cute grossed out face.

"Yes baby,and the doctors will tell mommy why I've been icky lately,"I tell her with a smile.

"Okay good they fix you all up,"She says seriously and I chuckle and kiss her cheek when I've finished putting her shoes on.

"Yup,now lets go mama's waiting,"I say as I put her on her feet and she rushes to Camila.

Skip car ride

We made it to the doctors office and I sign in. We only had to wait 10 minutes before I was called.

"So what can I do for you ladies today?,"The doctor asks when the door closes.

"Well I've been feeling sick for two weeks now and took 6 pregnancy tests and they were all positive,"I tell her and she writes it down.

"Ok,so your just here to verify if the results were correct?,"She asks with a kind smile.

"Yes ma'am, I wanted to make sure and this one over here wanted to make sure we were healthy,"I tell her while pointing to Camila who just smiles and shrugs making you roll your eyes.

"Ok what I'm gonna need you to do is take a urine sample and we're gonna do some blood work, the urine is to verify if your results were correct and the blood test is to make sure you're healthy. So when the urine test comes back which will only take a couple minutes then we will set an appointment in four and a half weeks so we can see and hear the baby you'd be six and a half by that time,"The doctor explains and we just nod.

I do the urine sample which was kinda difficult then the nurses took my blood. We waited in the same room and then the doctor comes in with an emotionless face not giving anything away.

"Well I have your results,"she starts then pauses for suspense. Then she gives us a big smile.

"Congratulations your results were positive,"She says and I look at Camila who's tearing up again and then Ania who just looks confused.

"You know what that means my love?"I ask Ania and she shakes her head no.

"It means you're gonna be a big sister to a little baby brother or sister,"I tell her and then she smiles.

"I gonna have a baby?But where is the baby,"She asks excitedly then gets confused looking around the room.

"The baby is in my tummy love,"I tell her and she looked at me horrified.

"Mommy you ate my baby!!"She asks scared.

"No love the baby is growing in mommys tummy just like you did,"I explain.

"I lived in there too?But when will they come out I no member coming out of there,"She says cutely.

"Yes you did baby and that's because you were a baby,And it will take awhile before he or she comes out. Babies need to grow strong and healthy before they come out,"I tell her and wow did my child have a lot of questions. She got off Camilas lap and came to me and spoke to my belly making my eyes water.

"Ok baby get stwong and healthfy so you can come out and we play,"She says placing a kiss to my belly then of course gets distracted by my phone.

After we did everything we set the next appointment and went home, Camila and I made an agreement to keep the news to ourselves until we knew the baby was healthy and we passed the no danger zone. We stayed in for the rest of the day and had a movie marathon then went to sleep. Well we put Ania to sleep and had some much needed grown up fun😜 and I can say I'm more than satisfied, my whole body is relaxed thank God I didn't feel sick I needed this.

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