Chapter 7

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Here is another update i hope you enjoy.
I'm going to skip the morning routine,And move on to the actual family date.

Camila's P.O.V.

I left Y/n's house at around 9am to plan the day for the both of them. And decided to go to a theme park and then have a family relaxing picnic and then get ice cream later.

I started getting ready around 10am. And for some reason finding an outfit was a lot more complicated than i anticipated. I was almost about to pull my hair out when i saw the perfect outfit toward the back of my closet,And put it on quickly.

 I was almost about to pull my hair out when i saw the perfect outfit toward the back of my closet,And put it on quickly

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I wanted so badly to impress her, but i knew she wouldnt want me to be anything other than myself. So i put light make-up on and left my hair down naturally. I took a quick look in the mirror proud of my outfit. Grabbed my purse and keys and decided to buy a gift for the two girls who have stolen my heart. I was so excited and really nervous about the date. But it was fun and romantic and i'm big on romance so i really hope they like it.

After i bought the gifts which was sun flowers, bananas and a monkey.I headed to y/n's house to pick them up. Oh i also bought a carseat for ania and set it up,I made sure it was the safest and the most comfortable.

( Flowers for Y/n,Bananas for the both of them, and the stuffed monkey for Ania)⬇️

( Flowers for Y/n,Bananas for the both of them, and the stuffed monkey for Ania)⬇️

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(Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity,And also happiness.)

Ania's Carseat ⬇️⬇️

Ania's Carseat ⬇️⬇️

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You're Someone Special  CamilaG!p/Y/N  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora