Chapter 9

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Y/n's P.O.V.

Waking up to Camila holding me the way she always does is the highlight of my entire day. Everytime I try and wiggle my way out of her hold she grips on tighter. As if she's scared I might disappear. I would have found it super cute and sweet if I didnt need the restroom for the past 15 minutes, and if she keeps squeezing my torso where my bladder is I might just pee myself.

"Baaabe please let me up I need to pee real bad,"I whine frustrated and uncomfortable with the pressure thats building.

"Mmm stop moving,"she says in a sexy sleepy raspy voice her grip getting tighter.

"Baby,I swear to god if you dont let me pee right now I wont cuddle or kiss you for the entire week and you know my will power is strong enough to follow through," you threaten knowing damn well she can't survive a day without your kisses or cuddles.

She quickly lets go of you and you smile triumphantly getting off the bed to relieve yourself and get ready for the day. You were excited because Ania will be home any minute and even though you love spending time with Camila you missed your baby so much. So when you heard knocks on your door you rushed to open it to be greeted with an equally excited Ania already reaching for you.

"Hey my love I missed you soo say placing kisses all over her face.Did you have fun?," you ask waiting to hear everything she did.

"I had so much fun, I learn a lot I want you and mama to go one day," Ania says with so much happiness explaining animately about what she saw and did.

"Slow down love breath, And i'm sure mama would love to take us,"you tell her just admiring how beautiful your daughter is forgetting the boys were there and that Camila walked in on your converstation smiling.

"And where would mama be taking my ladies,"Camila asks looking lovingly at the both of you.

"Mama we go to...she looks at you wanting you to finish her sentance because she forgot the name."Its a kids museum that Alan and Jordan took her to yesterday,"you finish while Ania shakes her head in agreement waiting for Camilas answer giving her our famous Y/Ln's pout.

Camila playfully moves her index finger and thumb on her chin giving a thinking face. And you decided to pout with Ania so she can give in quickly. She looks at the both of you not being able to handle our pouts and jokingly sighs.

"Fine, we can go but mama needs to work a bit. I need to at least start on my new album or I wont hear the end of it from roger,"Camila says and we jump in place happy we got what we wanted. Well Ania got what she wanted and anything that makes my baby happy make me extremely happy.

We hung out with Alan and Jordan for a bit then they left we talked about the upcoming court hearing for shawn which I actually didnt wanna go. Since we skipped breakfast I made us a pretty big lunch. We ate and did our own things. Ania went to play in her room Camila went to our room to try to focus on her album and I decided to write another song because why not I'm bored out of my mind.

I'm happy Camila hasnt questioned me about the song she caught me singing and crying to. Honestly I'm not sure I wanna talk about it just yet. But hopefully I will later down the line.

I walked to my music study and grabbed my song book and started to brain storm of a song to write and ended up thinking of Cami so I decided to write my feelings out. So I started writing a few words down on how she makes me feel and went with that.

Its been an hour since I started and I got the lyrics down now I'm working on a tune as I was working on it Ania came in to keep me company. She really enjoys being with me in this room because she also loves music like me.

You're Someone Special  CamilaG!p/Y/N  Where stories live. Discover now