Chapter 5

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Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up with a massive headache and couldnt see or move. I was sitting on a chair. I wasnt about to panic so i just controlled my breathing and heartbeat and focused on anything like sounds smell anything to let me know where i was.

A few minutes passed then I heard a door open. Footsteps echo and then i hear the one voice i loathed. Ugh i seriously wish he'd leave me the hell alone. He takes the bag off your head and come face to face with shawn.

"Hey beautiful, miss me," he asks smiling at you.

"Is this a joke, like seriously dont you know any freakin manners, i mean OMFG first of all you take my innocense away then you say sorry second you freakin appear back in my life and lastly are you out of your damn mind, kidnapping me and for what?" You say agitated and a little groggy

"I have always loved you y/n, i always wanted you, why cant you forgive me already."he shouts at you.

"WTF you dont love me, i didnt and still dont know who you are, And even if i knew you personally you dont and wont hurt me if you ever did really love me in the way you have, you wouldnt have freakin kidnapped me, this is not love you just love the thought of me thats it, you never hurt the people you love,"you shout back angry

"I do love you, why wont you give me a chance," he says mad

"I will never give you a chance, you shouldve thought about that before you violated me without my consent and to top it off kidnapped me, i cant even look at you without feeling hate towards you," you say breathing heavyly with so much anger and hate. You look away from him and he huffs and stomps his feet like a freakin little kid walking away because he's not getting his way. But you could careless about his tantrums all you wanted was your baby but was happy she wasnt anywhere near you at the time of your kidnapping. You couldnt help but get emotional, this is the first time you've ever been away from Ania and cant help but wonder whats going through her mind right now knowing you're not with her.

A couple days later 5 to be exact

You feel like you've been stuck here forever and you miss everyone especially Ania. He comes everyday with food and drink but you dont eat anything he gives you unless its a canned and opened in front of you to see. You dont trust him. You've been working the knott around your wrist and its finally going somewhere. And believe me i've been trying since i got here but the rope was being freakin difficult.

A couple minutes go by and its coming loose. You mentally cheer and finally the rope is off. You quickly untie the rope on your ankles and stretch your body.

You go towards the door and peek out. You see a buff guy walking around and you open the door and walk out. He sees you and tries to grab you. He had a few good punches thrown at your stomach and face. Tired of the hits knowing those were gonna bruise he tries to throw another punch but you take him down. Making sure to knock him out using pressure points.

 Making sure to knock him out using pressure points

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