Chapter 5

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   While on the Train,Wendy had to cast Troya on Natsu several times actually. You had his head in your lap,he was sleeping.Your hands were absentmindedly going through his hair while you looked out the window. "So, [Name]... you wanna play a little game?"Erza smirked {Oh no..} you thought.Any game ERZA had to come up with had nothing good planned in it.

    "Oh a game!!! I wanna play!!"Wendy cheered happily.Erza simply smiled"This game isnt particuallarly for you,just for me and [Name]" You stared at Erza"Alright,explain the rules"  "There arent really any rules.Its kinda like Truth or Dare"  "Oh god.."You said silently,thankfully Happy was with Storm in another seat. "Alright [Name],Truth or Dare?"Erza asked you. "Um...,"you thought,if you picked Dare,she would probably get you kiss someone or something or make you do something pervy.Yet if you picked Truth...."Truth"The words slipped out of your mouth and Erza smirked "Do you like like anyone?" YOu facepalmed,not the question you were going for. "Um...its kinda confusing right now...."Wendy giggled. "W-what!?" Wendy just calmed down "Oh nothing..its nothing..really"

   Natsu stirred and mumbled something about a 'Dragon Fest',the rest was inaudible but you ignored it and pretended you didnt hear anything.Your took a deep breath. "So ,Erza,truth or dare?" "Dare"She didnt even have to think about it.."Alright then,"You thought deeply,you smirked."I Dare you to tell us the name of your so called 'lover'" Erza blushed a bit. "J-jellal...."Wendy busted out laughing.

    After you got off the train,Natsu was so happy he litterally started kissing the ground and saying,"Oh!Ground! How i love you!" You and Storm were heading to your house to put your stuff down so you dont have to carry it around all day"We'll see you at the guild!" "Alright,dont be long [Name]!" "We wont!"Storm called out for you.

   You and Storm entered your house.The outside was [First Fav.Color] with white swirls carefully painted on the exterior.The inside was a Variety of rooms depending on what room it was,your house was also a 3 bedroom with 3 baths.It was a 2 story house with a swirling spiral case.Your room was upstairs and Storms was downstairs.2 Bathrooms downstairs 1 upstairs.

~Storms POV~ (These kind of situations are the only kind when i will do this.Then it will go back to regular POV)

    Once i had put my stuff down and put everything up.I saw a letter on the desk,it had a vareity of elements on it,every element you could imagine on it.I picked it up gently.When i opened it i saw it was written with Fire,but carefully so you could make out the words.It read-

   'Dear Storm,

         Hows my little sunshine doing?Yes,its me Ceethus....i know it sounds odd for a Dragon to write but i had to,force of habit i guess.How is [Name] holding up?I have to make this letter short but i have to warn you.The Fest is coming soon and the other dragons arent gonna hold back this time,so that means neither will i....i have to make this letter sorry

                                                                                                                                     Your Dragon,


P.S.-Dont let [Name] know im writing to you...

    Once i had read the letter,i decided i would write to him later,thats when i heard [Name's] voice."C'mon Storm!Lets go!!"  "Alright,im comming!" I put the letter up and flew over to (Name) and we headed to the Guild.

A/N- I made this one a *bit* longer,im hope you like it! This is my first book,how do you guys think im doing?

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