Chapter 4

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    Natsu then realized how awkward that must be then he let go "Ehh sorry about that...but seriously if your gonna disappear then next time tell us where!!Or its punishment for you!" He joked with you,he knew it about that time and then he cursed himself in his mind for making that joke for you to were a Dragon Slayer but he didnt know if you knew about it though.

     You laughed half-heartidly...,and knew it was about that time...Spring.The season you hated the most because most of the Male Dragon Slayers want strong mates.You were the Strongest possible Dragon Slayer there was.You had to constantly run from Sting and Rouge.Every year they would hunt you out.

     Natsu just smiled at you"Come on, [Name] lets get back to our quest"He took your hand gently and led you to the farm house.He led you to your room and kissed your cheek,blushing while he did so"Good night [Name]"He then walked off to his room.

      You just held your cheek,your eyes widened"G-goodnight Natsu"You entered your room and got ready for bed.But you couldnt sleep with what just happened.The kiss from Natsu,your maybe soon to be lover,just gave you a kiss on the cheek!Your face went red,your Exceed,Storm then entered the room"(Name),whats wrong?" "N-natsu gave me a kiss on the cheek"


   You got ready for another day of work in the field,little did you know, Erza,Lucy,and Gray had finished up the work when you were sleeping so you got to get the reward early and got to go home erlier than usuall."Hey [Name]!"It was your pink haired-fuzzy friendly (A/N:Very Friendly~) Natsu."H-hey Natsu!!"You smiled at him.

     "We get to go home early!"  "But that means riding the train again" You giggled as teh color drained from his face "T-the EVIL!!!!!" But he also got sick just thinking about it "DOnt worry Natsu,we wont leave you  on the train!"

To be Continued...

( A/N : Im SOOOOOO Sorry for those of you who like this book.My friend WurstPotatoEver forced me into this chapter..i dont want WPE yelling at me T.T ANYWAYS!!!! Its getting to that kind of year *cough cough*)

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