josh x mully

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(Hi! Notes at the bottom but basically reekid is josh and mully's c h I l d. And juicy is eddie and narrators kid :) )

Pov: josh
"MULLY MULLY MULLLLLLEENNN" I yelled in the kitchen waiting for my husband to come downstairs

"WHAT DO YOU WWWAAANNNTTT" mully yelled jogging down stairs.

"Can you go pick up Anthony from Geages house pleaaassseee" I asked smiling and giving him puppy dog eyes.

I see him shake his head annoyed and let out a sigh.

"Isn't that eddie and narrators kid"  mully asked grabbing his keys and wallet.

"Yes thank you love" I said grinning

"Alright but I better get a reward for this" mully said winking at me. I feel my cheeks heating up slightly.

"Whatever just go get our kid you dork" I said laughing and kissing him on the cheek.

He grnnied and left. I start cleaning the kitchen when I have an idea. Mully and i are off work tomorrow and Anthony will be at school so we will have all day to...yeah..yeah

I grab my keys and run to my car to make a quick trip to I mean it is a store to be fair.


I get into my car and put my keys into the ignition pulling out of my driveway and heading down the road to the worst intersection in the city. By that I mean THERE IS SO MUCH FUCKING TRAFFIC. AND ITS ALWAYS A LIGHT VOMIT FUCKING GREEN GOD DAMN  PRIUS!!!

I get to the intersection AND GUESS WHOS ON THERE PHONE WAITING FOR ZERO TRAFFIC TO PASS. I wait a sold ten second before I fucking lose it.

"FUCKING GO YOU DICK HEAD" I yelled angrily out my car window. The car door opens and you would not believe what gets out of the car. A 30 year old jacked white beef cake of a man get out.

"OI GET OUT THERE CAR MATE" he yelled walking over to my car. Well this is when I die tell josh I love him and he can have my favorite pillow but if he even thinks about touching my nintendo switch I will come back so fast and haunt his bitch ass.

I get out of my car and walk towards the guy because I'm just going to apologize and hope- "FUCKING BITCH" I yelled when he punched me in the face. It was unbearable to begin with now how are people going to look at me?!

He than spat on me. no. Dont. Fuck. You. IM DOING IT!

"ALRIGHT LISTEN HERE YOU DUSTY ASS RATCHET ASS UGLY ASS TOENAIL BITCH OF A MAN- I have alzheimers" he said cutting me off and walking to his car....WHAT THE FUCK?!

I walk back to my car  as his car slowly pulls away.

Im sorry but why? Out of anything you could have done why did you choose to do that...and no I'm not talking about that Prius bitch I'm talking about the mother fucker that is wr-(SHUT UP I DIDNT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO YA BITCH)


Okay anyways I go back to my car and look in my mirror seeing that there is already a bruise forming under my eye. Josh is going to freak the fuck out.

I sigh and lightly touch it groaning at the pain. Fuck me. I start my car because a line of people had formed by now and yet nobody decided to help me...great.

I pull out and continue the drive.

After about 15 minutes I arrive at the house where ant was staying with his friend. I see them on the roof with two skateboard ONE helmet which neither were wearing. Eddie was laughing and narrator I believe his name was was trying to get the kids to come down because they made a rope ladder that they had pulled up to the roof.

"AHHHhHhhHhHhhHH" Gaege  yelled and YEETED this skateboard.

"GAEGE WE TALKED ABOUT THIS YOU ARE GOING TO BE HROUNDED I SWEAR TO GOD" narrated yelled and went inside to grab something I'm guessing.



I get out of my car and Anthony.....he fucking ree'd.

"ANTHONNYYYYYY" I yelled Eddie looks at me clearly embarrassed thinking I will be mad.

"No wonder why there friends"i said to Eddie. He just smiled at me and nodded.

Narrator comes out with a fucking mop and a nerd gun!

"ALRIGHT I WONT HESITATE BITCH" he yelled shooting a nerf bullet at them. Gage screamed and tackled Anthony. Then anthony screamed and grabbed the rope and jumped down....he climbs down and runs over to hide behind me.

"Thirteen year old" Eddie said groaning.

I sigh and nod. Anthony and gaege wave goodbye I thank narrator and Eddie for somehow surviving two kids that are like the same well in insanity levels.

"Alright let's go home kiddo" I said patting his head. He scrunched his nose up at me then walked to the car laughing to himself.

"Wanna get some ice cream on the way home" I asked getting into my car. He quickly nods and rattles off what he wants.

"Okay should we get you dad something to" I asked starting to drive away from the house.

"...I gueeessssssss" he says giggiling after. I roll my eyes at him. And were off to get some ice creeeaammmmmm.

So I'll probably upload every now and again but it wont be anything set in stone. And I will do a different ships to since I've seen a few requested. I hope you enjoyed see ya soon! Bu-byeeeeeee

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