joshdub x mully hs pt1

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Prompt: josh and mully go to the same high school and today is the first day of there third year. They arnt friends really josh dosnt like mully because he teases him and flirts with him constantly.

I walk into school a smirk planted on my face because from what I hear many of my classes including the first one will have the Josh Dub in it. I dont think what in doing is that mean but its cute to see him flustered and annoyed.

I walk onto first period and see josh sitting alone. Perfect none of his friends are in the class. I take the seat next to his. He was drawing something so he doesn't notice me at first.

"Hey buttercup~" I said leaning closer to him. He jumps up and glares at me his cheeks very red.

"Fuck. Off mullen" he said spitefully. I could fee my smirk fall for a second before I composed my self.

"Oh you know you can call me mully baby" I said running my hand through my hair. He sits there shocked for a second.

"Shut up class started" he said turning his attention to the front of class. I move my desk closer to his when the teacher isnt looking.

He glares at me not sure what I'm planning. Before I could do anything I see the teacher pull out her laptop. I zone back into whatever she was saying.

"Okay groups are
Jonathan and evan
Phil and dan
Felix and marzia
Jack and mark
Mullen and josh
Lastly dan and arin" the teachers says.

I quickly look over my partner who clearly wasnt happy.

"Looks like we get to work together love" I said smirking and putting my hand on his thigh. I could see him go red so I move my hand higher up.

"F-fuck off a-are we working at y-our house or mInE" he asked blushing harder now. I keep inching my hand to one main goal just to see what would happen.

"My parents are away on business so we can use my house...and we can be as loud as we want" I said dropping my voice at the end.

"Okay c- wait what do you m....I- wait n- no I well fucking kNoCk it off" he said probably referring to my hand very closer to my main goal but I'm not sure if that's what he ment.

"Whatever do you mean sweetcheeks" I asked waiting him to say something before I move my hand again.

"Your fucking flirting and teasing nOW....Mullen-" he said sharply inhaling.

"Yes~" I said softly. I see him hide his face in his hands a blush in his cheeks. Alright alright I leave the poor boy alone.

I remove my hand and bring it back to my desk when I hear Josh...oh my god did he just-

"What was that dear" I ask not sure If i heard what i think i hear.

"nOthiNg nothing"

Soon the bell rung and most of the students seemed like they couldn't get out of there fast enough.

"Hey babe what class do you have next"i asked grabbing my stuff and waiting for josh.

"fuck off......ugh science" he said grabbing his stuff.

"Great I'll walk with you love" I said smiling at him. He seemed a little taken back by the gesture. He scrunches his face up a little and I had to fight back an awe. Alright I kind of tease him because he is well...i like him but I've blown every chance of him liking me back so now this is how it is.

Dont look at him. Dont look at him. Dont look at him. Dont look at him.
Dont look at him. Dont look at him.

Fack....I looked at him. I might like him.. alot and have for a while. My friends knew that I did and still do so they probably told him and that's why he flirts with me and teases me. There is no way he likes me. It is almost impossible

"You know it's not polite to stare hun" he said smirking.

"I was just shocked that they let a gremlin [like me] into the school"  I said looking away from him and towards my second period class. Wow that felt like a long ass walk.

"Well to bad you love this gremlin"he said as we walked into the class.

"Fuck you twat" I said under my breath and made my way to a seat in the back. None of my friends are in my classes till 4th period. Sure I know some people in my other classes...but I dont like most people though.

"I'd rather fuck you" [I'm sorry I couldn't help it] he said sitting down in the seat next to me.

I could feel all air leave my body. WHAT THE FUCK?!

I choked on air and looked over at him in disbelief my cheeks probably noticeably red.

" I have something else you could choke on" he said clearly trying to hold back a Laugh...I may or may not have wheezed. I was not expecting that.

"You cant fucking say that" I said trying to calm down from laughing so hard.

"What why not" he asked laughing. I sigh laughing trying to fight down my smile but it wasnt going anywhere.

"Becauseeee honestly I dont know but just it's not allowed bud" I said putting my head in my hands. I cant believe today fuck man...

"Damn did I just get friendzoned" he asked laughing deeply but quietly since class kind of already started.

"Sure did babe" I said smirking. No wonder why he flirts all the time it's fun as hell.

"Well fuck" he said grinning still laughing. Well the rest of today is going to be an adventure.

[Alrighty I'm planning to write another part to this unless you guys dont want it. So if you do star/like this shit and comment if you want. If you dont want a second part then say "OI GET THIS SHIT OUT OF HERE M8" so yeah :)

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