narrator x eddie

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Fuck it nobody's requesting shit so here a thing

I'm what you consider a "loser" I guess I mean a lot of people know my name...because people mess with me and as much as I would love to kick there asses I would be severely punished at home...

I do have a few friends josh, mully, gaege so all hope isnt completely lost.

But I do have a crush in a very popular straight guy named (shiiiiitttttttt) well no body really knows he goes by your narrator so most people call him Nate or narr (??@#%@$%????)

He's friends with basically everyone and hardly knows I exist. We have talked ONCE and that was because he was cussing and I was apologizing because I spilled his coffee on him...

We have 6 ought of 8 CPASSES TOGETHER AND THATS THE ONLY FUCKING TIME IVE SPOKEN TO HIM FUUUCCCCKKKK MEEEEE...well...I mean... no Eddie no that's as bad as snorting no no snow.

I was walking to my fourth period class when I saw the fucking racist known as Jimmy and his fuck buddies.

"Oh lookie lookie it's our little mexican friend ediiieee" he said smirking I roll my eyes done with everyone's shit today. I dont need this shit and I dont need to deal with my abusive uncle. My father raised me because my mother left and when I was 12 he committed suicide so I was sent to live with my uncle who claims it's my fault which st this point it probably is.

"jódete hijo de puta racista" //fuck you racist motherfucker//

I feel him punch me in the jaw. Oh for FUCK SAKES I'm going to call nine qwone qwone.

"Hey leave him alone you prick" I hear someone say before I hear something hit a locker.

I look up from looking at the ground because I was fuckign ASSAULTED LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FACK

turns out the mystery person was narrator and the thing hitting the locker was one of his friends pushing his twords the locker.

"hey you boys got this" I hear narrator ask as he started walking over to me.

"Yeah we got it go make sure your boyfriends okay" I hear another of his friends say. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah that's what I'm doing" he said rolling his eyes.

My cheeks continue to heat up.

" you good Eddie" he asked placing a hand on my shoulder. This son of a bitch KNOWS MY FUCLING NAME FUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKK YEAH

"Si er I mean yeah I'm good" I said whenever I get embarrassed I start talking in Spanish on accident.

"oh se un poco de español" //oh I know a little Spanish// narrator said..I feel a smile from on my lips.

"Wow eso es impresionante" //wow that awesome// I said feeling more admiration  for him

"Go to class and flirt there you fuckers" said one of his friends punching one of racists.

"Will do buckeroo" he said swinging an arm around my shoulder.  I laugh nervously.

"How long have they been messing with you" he asked removing his arm from around my shoulder.

"Ehh couple if months" I said shrugging while walking into class and going to my seat in the back. Narrator followed me and sat beside me.

"I'm sure you could have beaten them up if you tried" he said smoothly while taking out his class books. Easy for him to say he is going to be in the army which is insane. He is so fucking brave...and hot everybody admires him here I mean how could you not. He is the fucking perfect human and HAVE YOU SEEN HIS FUCKING EYES THEY ARE GORGEOUS.... shit eddie your gay is showing.

"I would rather put up with it here than at home" I said not really paying much attention to what I was saying.

"Honey bunches is everything okay at home" he asked sounding like he was actually worried.  Why is he doing this to me FUCKKK

"I- yeAH I mean everything's good dawg" I said licking my lips and turning my attention to the front of the class again.

"Do you want to come over and hang out tonight my parents are gone on there honey  moon and I want to get to know the cute mexican in most of my classes" he asked winking.

He- di- WHAT THE FUCK CALM. YOUR. TITS. EDDIE. Not that I actually have tits that's just something mully will say to me when I get worked up.

"Sure yeah I'm free. I mean not like I'm always free because I do have a lot of things to do because I'm very social and...uh yeah I'd be happy to come over" I said trying to not sound like a cringey idiot.

"Awesome my house in like a 3 minute walk away from the school so we can just head over after school" he said grinning.

"Cool" I said lazily smiling at him and trying not to get lost in his eyes.

Eddie DO NOT FUCK THIS UP!! I scream at my self internally. I really hope everything goes well

Here is a quick thing I did. Hope you enjoyed it at least a little bit. Also i wanted to thank everyone who comments, votes or just reads the chapters you all are so amazing and supportive so thank you sososoo much I really dont deserve any of this but I am so grateful.

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