Yoohyeon was completely lost into the kiss, when Minji broke it, putting some distance between them.

"I think we should go now... we have a mission to do, right? We will have time for this later" she said with a wink, standing up from Yoohyeon's lap. She couldn't wait to see the hunter's expression when she will find out what Minji had prepared for her. Yoohyeon sighed and nodded.

"You're right... so, what's the mission?" She asked, sounding a little disappointed.

"It's a more difficult one, a report about a lot of stray vampires in the rich part of the city" Minji said with a smirk.

"The rich part of the city?" Yoohyeon asked, confused. It was really rare to have reports on stray vampires in the rich part of the city. If a vampire was wealthy enough to afford a house in that part of the city, it usually was someone that knew how to blend in and hunt people down without anyone noticing. "That's unusual" she added, scratching her nape.

"I do agree that it's rare so we better get going! Come on, hop in my arms with your cute butt, we're leaving" Minji cheered, opening her arms and waiting for Yoohyeon to hug her.

Yoohyeon chuckled and shook her head, walking towards Minji. She hugged her tightly and wrapped her legs around Minji's waist.

"I'm good to go" she said, resting her head on Minji's one.

"Great" Minji smirked, lightly slapping Yoohyeon's butt, making the younger girl yelp before jumping on the rooftop again and running to their destination.

Once they arrived Minji gently put Yoohyeon down on a balcony and she started walking towards the window. She had a quick look inside and she pushed the glass of the window with her hands, opening it.

"Wait! We still have to discuss the plan! How many of them are in here? How do we do this? And don't you dare to do something stupid like last time" Yoohyeon said worriedly, remembering that yesterday Minji risked her life jumping in and trying to seduce the vampires.

"I don't really remember how many there were, just a lot. And for the tactic, let's do yours this time, we both go in and you cover me" Minji smiled as if they already completed this mission. She just looked so chill and careless.

Yoohyeon nodded, taking out her gun.

"Okay I'm ready, you can go in and I'll follow" she said, determined, aiming her gun in front of her while Minji entered the window.

"Let's be quick and of course you want to cover me from behind. I would want that too if you had this view" Minji smirked, winking back at the hunter and putting both hands on her own butt.

"J- Jiu! Focus!" Yoohyeon said, desperately trying to keep her gaze away from Minji's butt. "You said there were a lot of vampires and you are totally distracted!" The hunter said, scolding Minji.

"Are you sure that I'm the distracted one though?" The vampire teased with a pout, squeezing her back side and winking at the hunter again.

Yoohyeon blushed a little and became a stuttering mess while she kept trying to make Minji focus on the mission.

"J- Just go in! Or I will accidentally forget to cover you" she teased, pointing at the window.

"You're no fun" Minji chuckled, finally entering the room and looking behind her when she heard a thud behind her. The vampire turned around to see Yoohyeon on the floor. She probably 'fell' through the window.

Minji walked back offering her hand to Yoohyeon.

"Was there something really interesting on the floor or... did you just fall?" The vampire asked with a chuckle. Yoohyeon took her h₩and and pulled herself off, cleaning her shorts.

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