A Nuclear Catastrophe, Part 1

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They charged into the room where Rain had found the Prime Minister's body and had witnessed the death of the secretary. The Doctor immediately grabbed a glass container of whiskey and held his sonic up to it as he turned to block the doorway from the three Slitheen lumbering threateningly towards them.

"One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Woof! We all go up, so back off!" The Doctor glared at the large green aliens that skidded to a halt in front of them, the resident Humans grouping slightly behind the Time Lord.

"Right then, question time. Who, exactly, are the Slitheen?" He demanded as Rain tried to steady her breathing. She stood slightly behind everyone else. Wanting nothing more than to just disappear so she wouldn't have to deal with the questions that would some be coming her way, once the Doctor finished interrogating the Slitheen and locked them in the Cabinet rooms. Though Rain also knew the Doctor hadn't thought his plan through as that would leave them trapped in here. But speaking up would draw attention to her, and right now that was the last thing she wanted.

"Their alien's!" Harriet exclaimed in place of the Slitheen. Rain saw the Doctor's shoulders sag as he sighed, most likely rolling his eyes for good measure.

"Yes, I got that, thanks." He quipped in annoyance.

"Who are you if not Human?" One of the Slitheen hissed at the Doctor. Poor Harriet's neck nearly snapped when she whipped around in shock and confusion at that statement.

"Who's not Human?" She sputtered slightly and Rain could see a tiny spark of fear in the middle aged woman's eyes. She likely was scarred of the idea of standing next to an alien considering her first encounter with aliens was literally watching some of them murder a man and turn him into a skin suit. Rose smirked just slightly, not noticing Harriet's inner fear.

"He's not Human." She pointed discreetly at the Doctor from where she stood at his left. Harriet's eyes went wide as she glanced at the Doctor before looking around him at Rose again.

"He's not Human?!" Rain could see her on the verge of a panic attack, she could certainly relate to that right now.

"Can I have a bit of a hush?" The Doctor huffed, sounding even more annoyed than before. The Slitheen were just watching this, and although their faces didn't really have any emotion to them, Rain could sense their amusement.

"Sorry." Both Harriet and Rose replied in sync, though Rose was still smirking for reasons Rain didn't bother trying to figure out.

"So, what's the plan?" The Doctor went back to his interrogation, only for Harriet to open her mouth once again.

"But he's got a northern accent?!" She brought up the Doctor's accent with an utterly confused expression on her face. Rose grinned at her.

"Lot's of planet's have a north!" Rose repeated the answer the Doctor had told her when she'd asked him the same question.

"I said hush!" The Doctor groaned. The two closed their mouths again.

"Come on! You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea, it's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of the government. What for? Invasion?" He turned his attention back to the green aliens that had been watching in silence but were now scoffing at him.

"Why would we invade this god forsaken rock?" The female Slitheen objected. Rain found herself frowning. Why were they here if they saw this world in that way? What were they hoping to accomplish? They had the world on red alert, everyone in a panic. They'd killed the Prime Minister and had infiltrated the government, but why? What was their objective? There was the simple way of finding out, Rain could listen to their thoughts if she let her barriers down, but she had no intentions of doing so.

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