Everything Burns, Part 3

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"Oh, now don't stare. I know, I know it's shocking, isn't it? I've had my chin completely taken away, and look at the difference! Look how thin I am." Rain stared, horrified at the last Human. She was just a piece of skin on a frame with eyes and a mouth! Rain could feel the slight unease of those all around her, they didn't know how to react to this either.

"Thin and dainty." Cassandra went on. "I don't look a day over two thousand! Moisturize me, moisturize me." The two humanoids covered from head to toe in surgical gear that and pushed her frame into the room lifted spray guns and misted the self centered Cassandra.

"Truly I am The Last Human. My father was a Texan, my mother was from the arctic desert. They were born on Earth and the last to be buried in it's soil. I have come to honor them and... say goodbye." Rain could sense that there wasn't any real sadness coming from the, uhh, woman? She was tempted to look into Cassandra's thoughts, but restrained herself.

"Oh, no tears, no tears." One of her attendants dabbed a handkerchief at the corners of her eyes. "I'm sorry, but behold, I bring gifts! From the Earth itself! The last remaining Ostrich egg!" A pedestal was brought forth and a large egg was placed upon it. Rain blinked at it. She may not know everything about everything, but that didn't look like an ostrich egg.

"Legend says it had a wingspan of 50 feet and blew fire from it's nostrils! ...Or was that my third husband?" The guests began to laugh, even the Doctor found this amusing. Rose however, was in a state of horror and shock. She slowly moved from where Rain and the Doctor stood, around behind the guests. Trying to see if Cassandra really was just a piece of skin.

"Who knows?! Oh don't laugh, I'll get laughter lines! And here, another rarity! According to the archives this was called and I Pod." Cassandra exclaimed as some of the little blue staff pushed a Jukebox into the room. Rain's brows furrowed. She leaned closer to the Doctor.

"Whoever gave her this information was severely misinformed." She murmured. The Doctor glanced down at her, a grin on his face and amusement in his eyes.

"Well it has been five billion years, data's bound to get corrupted somewhere along the line." Rain sighed and shook her head. That was like the legends of her ancestor, Darkstalker. Though he was evil, he never really saw himself as such. Never realized his animus power had corroded his morality. Even so, some of the ghost stories the Nightwings told of him before he showed up again made his personality far more twisted than it actually was.

"It stores classical music from Humanity's greatest composers. Play on!" Cassandra commanded and one of the staff started the old, more like ancient, machine. A song unfamiliar to Rain played, but perhaps that was because she really only listened to symphony or classical music. Rain couldn't help but smile when the Doctor started bopping along with the beat. Her smile dropped however when Rose bolted out of the room. Without a second thought Rain raced after her.

"Rain, wait!" The Doctor called, but she didn't. Rain just kept running after the blonde, only to lose her and get royally lost. Rain whirled around frantically, standing at an intersection of hallways, trying to hear the sound of her friends footsteps. With a groan Rain closed her eyes and carefully reached out beyond her mental barriers. She skimmed past the murmurs of what were probably the little blue staff and bumped into the powerful mind of the Doctor.

'Rain?' She heard him think, probably having felt her mind bump against his. But this left Rain with a problem. Her ability was restricted to just hearing others' thoughts. She couldn't be heard or respond to them. Rain's brow furrowed in concentration as she carefully brushed against his mind again in what she hopped was a friendly way so he'd know it was her. She started walking again, using his mind like a homing signal.

Rainfall In The Silent Night (Doctor Who/Wings of Fire)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum