The Ghosts of Christmas, Part 2

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"It's beautiful." Rain breathed, staring out at the winter scene before her. The snow drifted down in fat, fluffy flakes, dancing lazily in the faint breeze before joining their brethren in blanketing then cobblestone roads. The air was nearly as fresh as it was back in her home world, the difference being the smell and horse waste and the biting crispness of the cold. A breathy laugh broke past her lips as she stepped out of the box. Her Victorian style shoes crunching in the light layer of snow beneath them.

"Ready for this?" The Doctor asked as he and Rose stepped out of the box after her. Rain turned back to him, finding the Doctor to be offering her his arm like a gentleman. She smiled and nodded. Stepping over and carefully placing her gloved hand in the crook of his right arm, Rose on his left.

"Here we go then, History!" The three time travelers beamed as they set off into the mild winter night of Christmas Eve, 1860. At some point during their walking Rose had moved to walk a bit ahead of them, leaving the Doctor with Rain.

"You know, Doctor, I may be wrong, but this doesn't seem like Naples." Rain commented after a while of comfortable silence. The Doctor blinked and looked around, taking a closer look at the infrastructure around them. He frowned slightly before spotting a man handing out newspapers for free. They wandered over, catching Rose's attention with the sudden change in direction. The Doctor accepted a newspaper from the man and stepped a few feet away so as not to be eavesdropped on.

"I got the flight a bit wrong." The Doctor sighed as he looked over the newspaper.

"I'm sure it doesn't matter, it's still the past, and around Christmas as there are carolers around." Rain gestured to a group singing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen a ways away.

"It's not 1860, it's 1869." He pointed out and Rose shrugged.

"Don't care." The blonde stated. The Time Lord sighed again.

"And Rain was right, it's not Naples."

"Still don't care." The Doctor raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's Cardiff." The Doctor said plainly and Rose paused, her smile falling.

"Does it matter? We're still in the past, the Victorian era, and it's still Christmas Eve, right?" Asked Rain, not understanding Rose's disappointed look. The Doctor nodded, smiling at the ravenette, glad she looked at the bright side of things. Rose huffed.

"Rain, it's Cardiff!!" She stressed, only getting a blank look from her friend. Giving up the blonde turned to the Doctor.

"Well, what are we going to do now? Are we going to pack up and go again or-" Screams cut off Rose's question as people poured out of a nearby theater in a panic. A massive grin bloomed on the Doctor's face.

"That's more like it!" he tossed the newspaper over his shoulder, linked his arm through Rains and grabbed Rose's hand, and raced off towards the commotion. They shoved past the frightened theater goers into the auditorium where an elderly man on stage was trying to calm the people and convince them it was a trick. An eerie scream brought the three time travelers eyes up to see a pale blue aurei like ghost swirling through the air. Rain followed it trail to see it seemed to be coming from the mouth of an old woman with concerningly grey toned skin.

"Fantastic!" The Doctor grinned manically. As Rose gaped at the sight. But as the Doctor raced over to the man still on stage Rose and Rain stayed back. Rose staring at the ghostly creature while Rain was frowning at the old woman, eyes widening when an old man and a young servant girl dashed over and started dragging the old lady away.

"Rose, stay with the Doctor, I'm going to see what those two are up to!" Rain spoke quickly before hurrying off after the suspicious duo. Just barely hearing the Doctor calling after her to be careful. Rain followed them out of the theater and they started stuffing the old lady into a hearse.

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