Raindrops on Roses, Part 3

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"Rose, I think I'm going to head home for a bit. Okay?" Rain asked as Rose turned to walk back to her flat again. She sighed.

"Okay, I'll call you later. Maybe us and Mickey can go out for dinner or something?" Rain smiled and nodded.

"I'm good with that. Just give me a call and I'll meet you there." With that the two women parted ways. Rose changer her direction to go to Mickey's flat. Planning on using his computer to see if she could find more on the Doctor. Rain walked in the direction on her own small flat, which was blessedly close to Rose's. It only took her twenty minutes to leisurely walk there. She breathed in the soft scent of vanilla and petrichor as she closed and locked her front door behind her. With a sigh, she wandered through her home to the bedroom, selecting an empty journal from the small bookshelf near her single bed.

She'd kept one journal empty for when the prophecy began to come about. That way she could write down what happens, and possible clues for understanding its mystery. The first page already had the prophecy written neatly on it. She began with the story of meeting the Doctor all the way to the present. Then started jotting down observations she'd had of him. Once she had everything she could think of written down she grabbed a large over the shoulder purse and placed the journal inside it.

Rain didn't know how, but she had a feeling she and Rose would be meeting the Doctor again very soon. As a precaution she also packed a jewelry box full of jewelry she'd hand made just in case things became desperate and she needed to make another animus object. Though she really hoped not. Rain didn't want to make any more animus objects. She knew the power would eventually corrupt the user if used too much and didn't want to risk anything.

Sure she'd made quite a few in her first few years in this world in order to not be discovered or raise suspicion. Rain also had all the animus objects her father had left her when he died. Just thinking about her father brought her hand to the necklaces around her neck. Two of which were from her father. The truths fang; an necklace that allowed her to discern whether or not someone was lying or telling the truth. The second was the guardian of thoughts; which made it so that even if she encountered someone who could read minds, no one would be able to hear or reach her's without consent, unless she accidentally projected it.

Her rings were also animus objects. The silver ring with a peridot gem on her left hand was another made by her father. The hidden vault. It created a sort of pocket in space for her to store an unlimited amount of things in. That's where all the rest of her animus objects were. Just in case she needed them. The thin feather ring on her right hand was of her own creation. It's where she placed all of her animus power, it was no longer in her own body. Though she knew that wouldn't stop it from corrupting her if she used too much. Darkstalker was testament to that.

She thought about storing the journal in the Hidden Vault, but if Rose or someone else spotted it then she'd have a lot of questions to answer. One's she wasn't ready to answer. To go along with the already made jewelry she packed a bag of small pendant stones, as well as a travel pack of wire wrapping supplies and tools. Just in case they didn't come back for a few days, as she had a feeling following the healer and Rose would involve traveling.

Once that was done, she placed the purse by the front door so she could grab it on the way out. Then she went for a shower, not having had one that morning. The steaming pellets of water calmed her racing thoughts. She wondered how the Doctor would show up next. Where would Rose and her find him? Shaking her head Rain exited the shower and quickly dried off. She grabbed her housecoat and wandered over to her dresser to find something to wear so she could return Rose's borrowed clothing.

A loose fitting deep purple off the shoulder top with 3/4 length sleeves caught her eye and she laid it on her bed before looking for some pants that would go nicely with it. After a minute she grabbed a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans and tossed them on the bed as well. Throwing on some undergarments she got dressed. Looking over herself she frowned. Something was missing from this outfit. Her eyes lit up when she remembered the wide purple snakeskin waist belt she'd bought only a few days ago.

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